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Ive recently been going out with a girl that is not a virgin and myself im not a virgin except i get this feeling that what we are going to experiense between eachother in the future wont be special because she has had it before... but for me it will and i know that... She also says that it will be and she wish it was with me.


I was wondering what a girl thinks from her perspective if they have lost it from there ex but have meet someone knew and wanted to lose it to them would it still be that special ??


Thanks haha hope you's dont think ive lost it im just curious...[/b]

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I can totally empathize with you. But I am a virgin so it is even more important to me that my future g/f should be a virgin. When I lose my virginity to her, I would feel a complex mix of feelings and emotions-mental and physical. The joy of discovering something NEW would be uppermost in me. With my g/f,no matter how much she loves me, if she isn't a virgin,she won't feel the way I do. Even if she doesn't compare me with her past boyfriends,it just won't be the same. It's like going to an amusement park as a kid with someone who has already been there and who acts like a wet blanket,not sharing in the enthusiasm.


I've posted this in the forums a few times over but people don't understand why I'm making a big deal over it. I'm seriously contemplating losing my virginity just for the heck of it-since girls don't value it and it'll only be an impediment in my future relationships. If my future g/f is not a virgin and I am,I'd have to tell her that I can't sleep with her till I first sleep with someone else and lose my virginity too- that way we'd be equals.

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It will be special. I wouldn't worry about that.. unless you guys are just in the relationship for sex. Think of it this way.. the first kiss with somebody knew is usually special, why wouldn't sex?


At some point most people you are going to date aren't going to be virgins anymore, does that mean that sex is going to be unimportant to your future partners? No.

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I agree with Just A Teen anytime u have sex can be special the first time can b special and the first time can be bad. if u really like the person u are going to have sex with then for me i usually find that it is really good for both of us as it can b a way of expressing your love for that person. if u are unsure about the feelings u have for the person and maybe reluctant to having sex with them it not as good but whether it is first time or twenty first time i do not think effects how special the sex is

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just on the cgirls dont value it, i know being a girl myself that a value it heavily, i valued it right till and continuing past the day i lost my virginity, and do you know what, having sex didnt make me treasure my body and how i felt any less, do you know how many time s i have had sex? once, that was when i lost my virginity and that took a whole lot of time, talking, thinkings about what the outcome was, why we were doing it, what we would gain or was it a matter of gaining? or was it engaging in something we felt right, something natural, something that was equal and never to be only wanted be a single individual and thereforeeee no obligations and at moment can be discontinued, only because it hasnt happened since does not mean i am not with this person, doesnt mean that i dont want to, but i would like to understand every time that we engage in this is something we do as a whole not for pleasure, to some degree yes but not only for this, not for fun...it has to be something alot more.


and i continue to feel as if this is something important to me, i dont feel as if i have to explain myself any more but i just wanted to state how highly i thought of my own and my own body.



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So you mean that you value virginity in a guy? Just to clarify,when I said that girls don't appreciate virginity,I referred to both their own and their (future) partner's status.


Here's how I think. Being a virgin, I can only be with a virgin. If I was a non-virgin,I can be with both virgins or non virgins. Since there are very few virgin women over 20,my odds of finding a suitable partner are very very low. I have a better chance of winning the lottery.

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I dont know if this really relates, but...


I'm a virgin and have been with my bf for 8 months. He is also a virgin. We were talking the other day and I told him that at this point in my life, (in a serious relationship) I wouldn't be dating a guy who wasn't a virgin.


I think it will be more fun if we are both virgins and share our first time with each other. That way neither of us has any idea what we're doing, and we can just go from there.

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