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Little problem that I realize...

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I think I know why it's harder for me to attract women. I still look like I'm 16 yet I'm 19. So they think I'm 16 or something. I kind of realize this more now and just kind of feel bad right now not knowing that before. Anyway, I think this is why I can't even get to the "friends" stage with other women. I'm just a guy that's younger than them and just someone to talk to sometimes. I'm kind of shy by nature. I used to be really shy but I'm becoming a little more outgoing but I realize that it's just myself to be a little more shy than outgoing. What can I do about this? I'm not trying to put myself down in any way but it's just something that kind of bothers me. Advice appreciated.

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It's more personality that matters of course.


I also look slightly young for my age I'm often mistaken for a college freshman when I'll be a 4th year in the fall.


Hey looking young has it's advantages, a couple years down the line when everyone is looking old and ugly you'll still be looking good.


Also it's a matter of taste as well, some girls like the boyish look, while others may like a manly man.


Can't change what nature (parents ) give you so work with what ya got

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Yeah, it's a problem sometimes.


It's embarrassing to get carded in front of your friends. You look younger than most of your dates. People are shocked when they find out my true age.


I look 5 to 6 years younger than I actually am. I just recently lost 25 lbs, so now I look even younger than ever. Well, at least the girls think I'm cute.

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People also say I look young for my age (17) sometimes. They say I look about 15/16, so it's not that bad.

I don't think its that bad really, as girls might see you as cute. I know I get attention and stuff a fair bit, so I like the way I look. The toruble comes when you get ID'd.

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