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My friend told me this, what do i do now?

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okay, so me n a good friend of mind, lets call her mary, and my best friend, lets call him john, all went to see a movie, we walk back to my house and then john had to leave, so me n mary walk down the street in a park like area. Anyhow, we get to talking and she doesnt look very well, i ask her whats wrong, she says nothing, so of course, being the caring person that i am, im still worried. She starts kicking the dirt, i know sumthing for sure is wrong. She asks me if i think she is crazy and i say no. She asks what do i think of her. I being the psychological freak that i am, i say, something has happened in your past, and it stil hurts you, and it makes everything else that u feel 10 times worse. She then asks me if im a psychiatrist. I say i just think to much, then she tells me that something that i said earlier reminded her of her childhood. SHe went on to tell me a story, in a nutshell, that when she was 8 she was raped my a senior in high school. I embrace her, and console her, but she tells me shes never told anyone before. Now i know the easy thing to do would be to tell an adult, but she asked me not to tell anyone. She said and i quote, "i wouldnt even tell my parents if held at gunpoint"


As i said, the easy thing to do would be to tell an adult, but she doesnt want me to tell, what do i do? please help me

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You should tread delicately here.


I think you should feel special that she chose you to share this with and if you tell it might break the trust she gave.


How long ago was this incident?


Definitely talk to her more and try to understand/console her about these feelings. Don't do anything without her permission though, like tell her parents or a counselor.


It might still be possible to find this guy and press him for rape charges. But if she wants to let stay quiet then it is her decision.


Do try to convince her to tell an adult, just don't do it behind her back. It might be possible for you to help her move on through this, no matter how traumatic an event.


In any case, be there for her because she obviously trusts you.

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shes 14 now, happened when she was 8. she said it was an older guy, his family moved to Cali shortly after(we're in Neb).


well, i know she trusts me, she told me she liked me on the phone earlier, and i already knew i like her. this will probably escalate into a relationship.


i have already told her a couple times she needs to tell someone.


thanks for the help, ill let her make her own decision, and ill back whatever she chooses

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