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A little dreamer dreaming of the stars....

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It would seem almost picturesque. A perfect relationship, ending all of the sudden. Then her attitude consisted of belittering angst. Then as time passes (And having to clear out of our apartment) Her song changed. As I have stated in my previous posts, it would seem that she started to care again. Her adamacy of still being friends, the intimat-ish hugs, and the continuous once a day calls to see how I was doing. Now she wants me to help her install her car audio setup. An interest she has never shown before, and always scorn me for bragging about it to her. (I used to be into it years ago heavily.) Now she wants me to help her choose a setup, and help her install it.) "And maybe hang out or do something" as she put it.


Yes, it would seem that she would like to be in my life again. I have asked advise from many people. Usually, the people who have given me advise have always told me to either bail and get on with my life, or told me to give up. Now, after explaining the current situation, they are telling me that she is missing me and I may have a window of oportunity. I had planned to meet up with her this tuesday, and help her out. I guess what I am asking, what do you guys think of this? This would seem a little out of the ordinary of "I'm just trying to be your friend." Dou you guys think I have a window of oportunity? I know I am not going to push "hey! Lets get back together." I'm going to see how things flow, and maybe show her that I still love her without saying it. Any advise? Or experience in people getting back together in these situations? This way I can gather a basis to an approach. Yes I have hopes, but I am trying very hard to be biased.

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Hi Tmills

I'm not going to try to sway you one way or the other, since either scenario is possible. It could be that she is missing the friendship/closeness of your previous relationship and isn't interested in a romantic relationship, or there could be a "window" for you here. I, for one, have nothing against remaining friends with ex's, though it's usually not gonna happen. I think the question is, would you be comfortable in a close friendship with her if she doesn't want to get back together. If so, by all means, feel free to hang out and have friendly fun. If you have a good time, you could say "This has been fun, I've missed this with you." See what she says and try to judge from there.

Good luck!

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Hey, looking good there, celebrating that pegan fertility ritual and all, you know rabbits and eggs etc.


just kidding, yeah, let her take the steps, just go with the flow.


man I really hope this works out for ya!!! gives me some hope that someday my eX will be wanting to contribute to some kind of fertility ritual herself with me!!!


On could only wish

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