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How do I know a girl has interest in me ? O.o

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Im a n00b to this website. But i've noticed alot of ppl give good advice on here. I have been single for awhile now because school has taken up most of my time. Im looking for a gf but cant seem to make a connection with anyone. I try make eye contact with someone but I dont know if shes either making contact with me or just looking my way(Any signs would be helpful). If I talk to a girl I really dont know what to say because I kinda a shy person. I can build up confidence to asking a girl out but I cant think of a good introducing sentence.


Any advice on how to make eYe contact and a good introducing sent. would be great!

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You don't need to ask her out straight away. If you do, it will feel awkward because you don't know each other.


The bets thing to do is simply to exchange words and build some form of complicty. Humor and teasing is what works best for an introdution.


As well eye contact is only part of the whole flirting thing. You can say "hi" and tease without expecting too much. If you do expacet too much, you'll crash. Keep it light and enjoy the play, enjoy the game. There is no formal dating yet but that's okay. It's free open and light. That's a good place to start until you get to know someone better.


Good luck and stay in touch



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If she is making and holding eye contact with you, then she has some interest in you. We only look in each others' eyes for fleeting fractions of a second, in anger or when we desire someone.


What do you have in common with the person you are attracted to? Talk about that, do some homework.


At first, just say hello. After you have made eye contact for a few days, smile when she is passing you and say hi, then keep walking. Do this once or twice before you talk to her.


Then learn about her. Learn what she does and likes.


If you are in the same class, then when she says something smart or funny, go up and compliment her, and ask how she thought of it.


If she listens to music, find out who she listens to. If she reads, find out what it is. If she likes a sport or show or anything, learn about it, then ask her questions about it. You'll sound smart in knowing what questions to ask.

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If she is making and holding eye contact with you, then she has some interest in you. We only look in each others' eyes for fleeting fractions of a second, in anger or when we desire someone.


What do you have in common with the person you are attracted to? Talk about that, do some homework.


At first, just say hello. After you have made eye contact for a few days, smile when she is passing you and say hi, then keep walking. Do this once or twice before you talk to her.


Then learn about her. Learn what she does and likes.


If you are in the same class, then when she says something smart or funny, go up and compliment her, and ask how she thought of it.


If she listens to music, find out who she listens to. If she reads, find out what it is. If she likes a sport or show or anything, learn about it, then ask her questions about it. You'll sound smart in knowing what questions to ask.

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