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Everything posted by Suboshi

  1. I am taking this girl out this weekend and i just wanted to know some tips that i could use. I met her before but we arranged this date so we could get to know eachother more. What kind of questions should i ask her, its kinda hard just to ask random questions. Does a girl like it when you make eye contact the whole time?
  2. I just met this girl this past week and we have been talking alot. We know we like eachother but I dont know when to make a move ( ask out or for number ) I just wanted some tips from a girl when its a good time to ask for a number or ask her out. Thanks
  3. Im a n00b to this website. But i've noticed alot of ppl give good advice on here. I have been single for awhile now because school has taken up most of my time. Im looking for a gf but cant seem to make a connection with anyone. I try make eye contact with someone but I dont know if shes either making contact with me or just looking my way(Any signs would be helpful). If I talk to a girl I really dont know what to say because I kinda a shy person. I can build up confidence to asking a girl out but I cant think of a good introducing sentence. Any advice on how to make eYe contact and a good introducing sent. would be great!
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