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should i shave down there

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It would make it look longer, of course.


If you're conscious about how much hair you have down there, consider just giving it a "haircut". Go easy and don't go too overboard. Remember, you can chop off more later if you feel the need. I think the keyword here is to keep it "tidy".


Good luck.

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I use an electric trimmer myself. You really cant use a blade since you might cut yourself plus you can't trim some spots with it. But be careful, if you cut yourself (even with an electric), it is very painful. Btw, you wouldn't want a girl to get a "hairball" while giving you oral sex would you?

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I wouldn't shave it completely off, but like everyone else said, get an electric trimmer and go to town. There are a ton of different attachments for them too like the beard trimmer, the nose hair trimmer, and the ear hair trimmer. lol, im not saying you have nose or ear hair, but most trimmers come with all these attachments.


BE CAREFUL!! my boyfriend cut himself with his electric trimmer right where the base of the penis meets your body, and it hurt him for a couple days!!


I dont think girls will mind if you have hair down there. Personally, I wouldn't want to go down on a guy who had a freakin' bush, but it all depends on the girl. Just use scissors, TAKE YOUR TIME, and trim the hair so its not so bushy.

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I like being "bald" since it takes more time to grow back to where i would have to shave it again. It takes a long time and i'm too lazy. Besides, I dont think you know (or maybe you do, i could be wrong) how hard it is to cut around the sack. gotta take is slow and you dont always have the time.


btw...i bought a cheap trimmer that has a side burns attachment to it which seems to work. The coil doesn't really work though.

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