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How long do guys last normaly?

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Hi everyone

This is my first time on this forum. I have a question for those who might help me. I've been going out with my GF for 1 1/2 yr and when we have sex, for some reason sometimes i can go for 30 minutes and some other time i ejaculate the second i penetrate. What influences a guy to last long, is there anything that can be done to make it last longer?


Also, i have a problem with not being horny, i don't have ED but i just have a hard time getting horny. I would absolutly love to but i just don't get horny often.


Thanks for reading

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Whoa.. 30 mins is pretty long.. i think

well thinking you ejaculate the second you penetrate i think that in this mood ur horny.

but if ur not, you should try telling your girlfriend stuff that turns you on or something

i think something that helps me not cum when i masturbate is once im about to cum, i stop jacking off, wait about 5 seconds and start doing again.. this is bad for you though (well no that bad) so i stopped because cumming is fun!

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It depends on how horny you are, and when you last ejaculated. I last typically around 8 minutes. If we are hitting each others spots like crazy I have done it in 3 min. I am going to have sex tonight, so I will time it and see. I am averagely horny. So after I experiment I will let you know.


you don't get horny often is prolly cuz you have alot of sex, and you think about her alot... and eventually girls just turn into other people after so much sex (well in my head they do). Its kinda odd. I been dating my gf almost 10 months. And I don't think about sex much, but I am leaving for the summer and so we been having more sex than average an all. You know it just depends on what is going on around you. So...


Really horny usually 3-5 min

Kinda horny usually 8-15 min

Just after ejaculation usually 30 min

2nd time in one day (separated by at least 45 min) Usually 6-10 min (cuz I am usually really in the mood later in the day)


There is my rough study. kinda like a hypothesis



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I guess 30 minutes is long but it rarely happens, my average time is usualy around 5 minutes... which in my oppinion is not long enough.

I noticed too that when i'm under the influence (either high or drunk ) i can go for much longer, those are the times when we have the best sex because she enjoys how "ruff" i am and how long i can go at this rate. When i mean that i'm not often horny, this is like once a week, we have sex, sometimes we might do 2-3 times a week but that mostly when i'm feeling my (dunno if that makes sense to you) period (time of the month that i am most horny). I think maybe we should watch porn together frequently or something to put us in a sex mood?


Thanks for the info everyone, my GF is my first sexual relation partner and i guess i felt bad everytime i couldn't manage to give it to her the way she likes it. I assume that if i had sex with her more frequently, i would eventualy get less sensetive and/or at least get a better control of it.

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yes i've heard of the 5 minute man and thats why it bothers me so much that i can't perform like a normal person. there has got to be something wrong with me... should i see a specialist? i mean, i'm not horny like normal guys, i often have problems with ejaculating early, thats not normal for someone thats been at it for a year and a half?

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