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I Need Info For My Friend...Please Help If You Can....

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Well my friend is like the most beautiful girl you can imagine and she wants to become a model but no idea where to start a career such as that... Neither do I but I try to help whenever I can. If anyone as any information on where the best place to start a modeling career in Canada or even what to do, it would be a big help.


I would like any information on that any of you may have... So thanx in advance

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well you should research on the internet and try to find any modeling oppurtunities near your location. Look for maybe an acting/modeling agent, or maybe a modeling contest which she may very well win. I know its not too much info...but its basically what i can give right now.

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Look in the phonebook for nearby modeling agencies. If you or her have a digital camera take some pictures. Some of her smiling, some of her serious, and some sexy shots, because she will need a portfolio. What kind of model does she want to be? Runway models need to walk the walk (literally) and have to keep a serious look.

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