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Hey all I read so many posts on here wanting to know if your ex is the


one. So many people have started these friendships with the hopes that


you will get that person back. Well here is a news flash, they are never


coming back, and what broke you up the first time is going to break you


up again. Even you who is reading this and saying how you are different


now. Guess what you might be, but as soon as you get that person back,


and get comfortable.... Well that is when you go back to being the real


you. Another news flash, the grass is always greener on the other side.


When you have them, you do not want them, and as soon as they are


gone you sense there real worth. So to everyone out there who wants to


know if you will get back together, the answer is most likely not, you are


broken up right now for a reason!!!! Maybe I am bitter and a little upset,


or maybe I have finally opened my eyes. All I know is that I will wind up


on feet and hope you all do as well. Have some confidence that you will


find what is out there for you, besides the idea that there is only one is


the craziest thing I have ever heard. Thanks for listening to me vent,


even if you do not agree!


By the way this is open to discussion so tell me your thoughts.

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Good point.


To me Ex's belong to the history books. They are good in the sense that they educate you, enriching your life in such a way that you know where you went wrong. Nothing more. If you meet someone new, just pull out that little history book, dust away the cobwebs and look up some info on your Ex's.


That way, you know that you can tread carefully into a new relationship, slightly wiser from the fact that you know what or what not to do.





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In my experience they usually come back especially if it has been a long relationship. The realisation that they have to start all over again with someone new when they have been comfortable with their partners for a while is quite daunting. I think the dumpers assume it will be plainsailing and that their new choice of partner will be perfect but guess what they seldom are! Then they crave the closeness and famililarity of the ex and try to win you over, I think it can often work but only if you talk through the problems that caused you to split and both move forward with the same goals. People rarely change and you have to accept that if you decide to take an ex back.[/url]

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I agree with Kitten. But you're right.. there is a 75% chance that things will NOT work out.. It depends on so many factors... What broke you up, how long you dated, etc.. I support your theory in the situation, because your absolutely correct. It doesnt work out for most people, but in defense of those hopeless romantics (namely myself)-- we all want to atleast give hope and fate a shot too.. Its just part of our nature. Eventually, people do move on, find that one true person-- whether its their rekindled love, or another... Great topic though..

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