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I wonder how much is enough..


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I wonder how much of your life you should spend living for others.. I imagine myself on my deathbed, old, with my children and grandchildren.. This is the time of your life when you usually say "I had a good, happy and fulfilling life, I can die now".. Except that isn't the case.. I will never have a child of my own and happiness is nowhere is sight... for years..


Why is it so bad wanting to go to sleep, why are we forced to endure the pain for as long as possible.. How long can a person go on like this I wonder..

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Know the darkness is temporary that the light soon shines through and open your eyes wider in the darkness to see the light. You know the past and the present, you can't really know the future. You can only assume and we all know the saying about assumptions. Make choices in your present that lead to the future you want to be living. That's all you can really do.

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