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Me and my gf have been together for about 9 months. She use to be really wild before we were together and I don't care for that at all because i havn't done anything in the past. Recently she went on a trip for about a week and at the beginning of the week I could tell that we were very close and towards the end she was drifting away. All she would talk about was the guys that she met there and there was a dance at the end of the week. I know how she danced with those guys how they were all over each other and I don't care for that at all and I tell her that and she says im way out of context but I know that I would not dance like that if I was in that position because I don't feel that it is appropriate. She is also very flirtatious and I have trouble trusting her just for that reason please give me some advise on how I should handle this! thanks a lot!

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Tell her how YOU feel about it, not what she thinks, and if she can't accept how you feel and can't keep her hands off other guys, then you don't deserve her. Don't waste your time on cheaters, or people who aren't 100% committed to YOU.

Get out of the relationship early if you think she's the cheating type, as a long time ago I was in the same position, my boyfriend cheated and we're still together, though I regret the decision that I made to be together as I can't trust him at ALL.

Seriously though, tell her how you feel, and if she loves you then she'll respect your opinions and live by 'em.

Hope I helped,


PS: It might be nice for her, however, to give her a bit of freedom, eg: not worry what she might be getting up to when she's not with you, and not getting paranoid. Trust her as much as you can and she'll thank you for that.

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