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Can I still be pregnant? The test is negative, but I vomit a lot


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Me and my boyfriend made love a month ago without any contraception and he ended on me. One week ago I had a heavy period and there was an accident when in the middle of the day I saw a big bloody and meaty clot in my pants. It hurted like never before, so I thought that I could be accidentally pregnant for a short time and had a miscarriage. I told about it my boyfriend and the next day he broke up with me. From that time till now, every day I'm vomiting. It's not a morning sickness, it's almost all day sickness in different hours. I made a pregnancy test and it was negative. Can I still be pregnant or is it anything else?

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If you were pregnant for just a week or two, you wouldn't even notice you had a miscarriage. most likely. Also, you can have severe cramping and heavy cramping for other reasons. You may have had clotting before but never really paid much attention until you started really analyzing your period. I would see your gyno anyhow. You did tell your bf you weren't pregnant - so its not like he freaked because you were pregnant.

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