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It's now been nearly 4 months...NC has bitten my rearend

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After my ex's really crappy attitude problem and high ego problem and most importantly the fact she wasnt over her ex-bf we got into a fight one day after 1 1/2 years and we broke up. After we broke up she acted in bizarre fashion and blocked me from her buddy list and all my friends after 2 weeks. She has done many other things too however thats besides the point. The reality is when wed break up shed cry like a child in pain and always was known for being a dweller. We broke up, she went back to her ex bf and again as always he slept with her and left her. However, since our breakup literally the day we broke up we havent talked once NOT ONCE since I walked out that door. It's been nearly 4 months...the reality is if I contact her she'll have a guard up and wont come off as a genuine person. If she contacts me we can actually have a mature convo....her pride has gotten the best of her...what do I do? I have moved on in many aspects yet this bothers me alot. Any advice will be appreciated

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Pride seems to be the name of the game here!!! It's been somewhere in neighborhood of 5 months or so with NC at ALL for me. I am in the same boat as all of you. I still think about her, especially this July 4 weekend, as we spent every holiday pratically together!!! I was with her for 6 years, so the lingering feelings are a little stronger on my end. I really would love some closure.....but will it happen??? My feeling on it is, if your ok and can handle what your going through, just keep moving on. I agree with virtualjedi!!!!

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Thanks JonnyC...the truth is nor I nor her have made ANY attempt, phone convo, anything to go back to eachother. The truth is I CANT go back she basically broke up with me....the sad part is she sees this as me breaking up with her. I dont get it....how can some1 basically let go of u then turn the truth around and victimize themselves? Things like that make me want to forget about her. Im at a stage now that Im totally confused and hurt because its been nearly 4 months and no attempt by either of us have been made to go back. See if I go back to her shell see it as a told u so...but I know if she comes back itll be more of a mature convo. I know the relationship is over.....but I dont know why the closure of her contacting me just to talk is soooo huge....I mean I guess seeing everyone everyday for 1 1/2 yrs then poof they disappear. Itll drive any man or woman crazy

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Thats the way i feel one minute they are there the next gone.I have tried to talk to her but she wont answer or nothing its like she doesnt even care that is hard to cope with.We did everything together for 3 yrs and it comes to this it hard very hard good luck to you

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Actually, I nor she ever made an attempt to go back to one another. I dont think its appropriate for me to go back not because of pride issues but shes so immature that if I go back shell play games. If she comes to me well both be on a positive track. And if she never comes back to me. Then I dont want to even know a sick person like that anyway...and it seems like thats the case here. Shes just a sick puppy

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It sounds like you need more time of NC. There will always be questions when you split up with somebody and you will want to meet up with them just for the answers but in my experience it should not be done this way. You need to have fully moved on so you do not have to consider meeting back up like a strategic game of who gave in first. Sometimes it's best never to arrange to meet up, you may bump into each other 6 months down the line and then is mutual. In terms of her finishing with you, but making herself the victim. Some people do this to get sympathy from others and give the impression that they were not 'the bad one' of the two of you.

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