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Not a major post but I was just thinking how sad it is to break up with someone u have spent along time with, I have accepted me and the ex are over and im movin on, but I just can't help feel sad. Now theres a good chance I will never speak to this person again and after all that we have shared together..


When I was young I always thought I would get married and spend the rest of my life with someone, I now know this is rare and that I will have many partners over my lifetime..i suppose I will always feel something for this girl but relise its over..just can't help feeling sad over this

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i feel your pain!!! i wanted to spend the rest of my life, get married and have children to my girlfriend....now ex!!! this was because she was everything i wanted and needed in a girl. how can i move on knowing this, no one can ever match that or compare to her! im in limbo, feeling sad and thinking of her always and always will! i dont know what to do. life is hard, it can leave you phisically and mentally scarred! now im only half d man that i was! hence the name!

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Well you were right, you will more than likely have many partners over a lifetime. and memories are sometimes all we are left with. Some people come into our lives and stay for a short time, some stay longer, but very few, only the real special ones stay for a lifetime. Get back up, dust yourself off, get off the bench and get back in the game Street. We all hit home runs, and we all strike out sometimes. Right now your in a batting slump ( we all get in them) you will hit homeruns again. But Street, you have to get back in the game my friend. Remember the good times and keep them close to your heart.





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Well, i almost broke up with my boyfriend who ive been dating for a year and a half two months ago because he had to leave, and now hes staying. This last month was awesome cuz i met his dad , we went to ohio and he told me he could spend the rest of his life with me, but now, we came back to our houses, and he said that he needed "alone time", with his best friend, mind you, he lives with his friend, my question is, how do i keep him interested, not bored, i mean, i lost all my friends because i love beng with him, but right now, the last thing he wants to know about is me, its like hes had enough off me, =( i try to help him but he wont talk to me, i wish i could be like his best friend =( , but the thing is that, just 2 weeks ago when i was up there with him, he loved me so much, and it was perfect, what happened??? , he says thati bitch a lot, and that he feels obligated to be with me all the time, and when not with me, on the phone...why does he need space?? god!! i feel like some pathetic stalker, he loves me , but i want to have what i had with him, and i dont know how to stop thinking about him, i feel so sad, because i love him, hes everything to me, =( , what should i do??...should i leave him alone??, =(, i just wish i had somebody to talk to, cuz i left all my friends behind, and now i look back, and *puff, theyve all gone away, please help =(.

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