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I am a Flawed Mirror...


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The Flawed Mirror


He walked toward the antique mirror accross the dressing room.


"Wonderful craftmanship, isn't it?", he remarked as he lightly brushed the mirror's intricate engraving.


"Verily milord. An exquisite piece indeed.", they chorused as a servant should.


"This mirror is flawed isn't it?", he remarked again as he leaned heavily on the seemingly flawless mirror.


"Forgive us milord!", they wept in terror as their gleaming eyes examined the silvered mirror face in futility.


"I am a flawed mirror, am I not?", he smiled sadly as he traced the hidden cracks among the wooden supports.


The servants gasped and averted their eyes.

And I just smiled and said, "Soon cracks will widen, and we shall fall..."


I smiled as the sound of splintering wood was chorused by the shattering mirror...


I am a flawed mirror, am I not?


~ eterna2




Not Enough


Words are not enough

to describe what I felt

And friends are not enough

to hold the hurts at bay


Will is not enough

to hold me up and live

And death is not enough

to ease my pain and sleep


Time was not enough

to heal my wounds

And care was not enough

to fill my void


Life is not enough

when love is dead

And I am not enough

for where once

love was

is now



~ Eterna2





Hope I


They asked, "Why do your art always weep?"

I said, "Because my eyes have no more tears."

So they asked, "Why do your ink always bleed?"

So I said, "Because my heart has no more love."

Then they asked, "But why are you smiling thus?"

And thus I said, "Because there is no more Hope."


~ ETerna2



Hope II


I asked, "Who are you to drag me up?"

He said, "I am you and you are me."

So I asked, "Why do you wish to hurt me so?"

So he said, "I only wish that you would live."

Then I asked, "It will hurt if you are here."

And thus he said, "But life will end, if I am done."


~ Eterna2




sigh* I am back again... the 3rd time now...

depression haunts me forever... 765 days and the cracks only widen...

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