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Glitter on boyfriend’s face


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Yes, let it go for now. One single piece of glitter does not tell you anything.


Not sure I agree. If he'd been locking lips with a chick who was all glittered up, I think there'd be more than one piece. That stuff is impossible to get off. I'd say the lack of more glitter tells you that there's absolutely no way in heck that he was in close contact with a glittered-up girl.

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Have you considered the possibility that the glitter may have even come from YOU?


Do you have glittery make-up?


If so, that stuff gets everywhere as previous posters have said.....clothes, bed sheets, washcloths, towels, etc...

He could've inadvertently gotten your stuff on his face, yet you accuse him of cheating?

Keep this up and you'll find yourself single very, very soon.

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Glitter gets EVERYWHERE and on EVERYONE. They call glitter the "herpes" of arts and crafts for this reason. Really, all you need is a little bit and it's everywhere. He works in a restaurant...there's your answer. Someone brought their Grandma Gladys in to celebrate her 200th birthday or whatnot and what do they do? They give cards...and some of them have glitter...which gets on the furniture/floor and he sweeps it. Yep.


When people wear "glitter" on their face, it's usually a colorful, shiny liquid that "glitters" in the light...you put it on your eyelids, usually, or around your eyes. It's not actual gobs of glitter on their face. It can get into your eye and it looks tacky. Unless it's Halloween or you're Lady Gaga, it won't happen.


Do you feel a bit better now? I think you owe your boyfriend an apology.


I've heard it accurately called a Socially Transmitted Disease

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OP, what purpose does it serve to not trust him and not let it go? Either you are wrong, and will drive away your boyfriend, or you're right and you two end up breaking up. That's a 0% chance right there.


Now if you decide to trust him, there's a 50% chance of things working out.


I'd say more than 50% if she trusts him. Because this isn't good evidence. This isn't evidence at all. My boyfriend could come home with glitter all over himself, he probably didn't cheat.

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