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My parents are probably splitting up :(


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My dad has confided in me that he is probably going to leave my mum after 27 years of marriage. She started drinking last year after 14 years sobriety and obviously it's wrecking havoc on everything. She gets extremely violent, says terrible things and cries uncontrollably about nothing. Oh and the drinking all started again after I tried to kill myself last year (dysfunctional family much?)


I've said I don't blame Dad if he wants to leave her and I don't, he's put up with so much, but I am still miserable about it - I'm trying so hard to keep a brave face on for my 14-year old brother who has Asperger's. Honestly, I am so upset about it though. Until she started drinking again they were my role models for marriage...now she's a completely different person. I go from angry to desperately sad to accepting to sad again!


Surely this is something children feel when their parents split? Not when you're in your mid-20s and have your own life in a separate city? I just want to be okay about this, they're still my parents and I love them both and if I hadn't been so stupid last year maybe this wouldn't be happening.

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I love them both and if I hadn't been so stupid last year maybe this wouldn't be happening.


Please do NOT blame yourself for this. Your parents are both adults and no matter what you did it isn't your fault ONE BIT. I'm extremely sorry about this, I can only imagine the pain someone would feel to see their parents split up.

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