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daddy poem

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Hi guys.I hope you all like the poem but even if you dont try to give some feed back good or bad.


Bye Daddy


The pain I just cant take it

The beatings to severe

That's fine ignore me

As you grab another beer


This time its different

Your screams and your yells

You can take it all with you

On your trip to Hell


I cant take it dad

I love you so

Even when you hit me

Or call me a ho


But I am done daddy

This fight you have won

Just answer me one more question

Where is the gun?


I am leaving daddy

My life is done ring the bell

But I will remember you

As I burn in my fiery jail


hope to here from some1 soon



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i can not in anyway say that it has happened to me, but saying i feel sorry for you is an understatement; it can hurt when someone you love so much (ie your family) can cause you so much pain, but as life is full of pain but also joy, you can let one pain, determine or define your life... Even through the pain you should find a hope, a faith; a hope that your dad can change or will change in the future, and faith that there will be better times ahead... Hence your meer future may seem bleak but as there are always brights lights at the end of the tunnel, you should see past the pain and find that light, that hope and that faith.


Through your pain now, you should not do anything which is detrimental or self-destructive because you are not just hurting yourself, but you are not respecting yourself...


So to end, find a hope which can guide you, and respect yourself, and find the strenght to with stand and prevail.....

Best of luck... 8)

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