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uninterested or just shy?

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there is this girl who said she is interested in me but whenever i try my best to start a conversation with her( i've tried very hard to think of open-ended questions ), she will give me one-word answer, most of the time she will say don't know. Is she shy? or is she uninterested in me? how can i find out?

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Hi Itensail,


A few questions.


How did you find out that she's interested in you? Via a friend, or did she tell you personally? If she told you herself, I guess you are still in the safezone for she really could be shy afterall. But if you heard it from the grapvine, you might want to reassess the situation.


When she gives you those monosyllabic answers, does she make an effort to talk about something else? Or does she look totally uninterested? In situations like these, I think it's best to study her body language. For those are dead give away signs of a person's response to you.


Good luck and keep us posted.

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in fact, she is more sociable than me. She actually does talk alot to other boys and of course girls. But she seldom tries to start a conversation with me. I'll feel very sad when I see her hitting off so well with other boys but not me. So if she is really shy, how can i remove her shyness when talking to me? I smiled alot but it didn't seems to help.

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She told me she is interested in me herself and when she gave me those monosyllabic answer, she didn't make an effort to talk about something but also, she did not seem uninterested in replying my questions. Though, sometimes she keeps escaping my eyes. It's only when we are alone, then she will try to think of something to say because she don't like silence. But when we are not alone, she will prefer talking to others or even prefer to keep quiet rather than talking to me.

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well, i think that she could like you because i am in the excalt situation, i like this girl who i told, but everytime she talks to me i seem to never be able to continue the conversation, and everytime she seems to catch a second of my glimpse at her... and i might seem like a bastard because i always talk to other girls and my friends but never seem to have the courage to talk to her....

advice give it a try, she is probably is just shy

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If that's the case, she could probably just be shy. For she might not want the others to know about the two of you.


Try talking to her more often and do your best to make her feel at ease. I am sure that things will work out right.



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