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Does she like me or not?

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Yes, another does she like me thread lol. Sorry, but seriously I need some help guys. I met this cool girl a couple of weeks ago that I'm really digging but I am really bad at detecting signals and what not. Ok so I don't know if these mean anything but she touches me a lot. Like my arm, hands, chest... in a playful manner. She also tells me stuff that people who've known each other for months or years might not even tell each other. On like the 4th day I knew her she asked me what kind of girls I like, when I want to get married, and how much I have fooled around with girls and what not. But then she tells me I have to get some "game" and gives me advice on how to get girls. She also makes fun of me a lot but in a playful manner as well. She rarely compliments me. But she did want to hangout so we hung out by ourselves near my house and stuff. I'll try to think up more stuff, but what do you thinks so far.

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well, so far it sounds like she wants to be a close friend. Maybe friends with benefits (the touching). The fact that she's telling these "things" is a red flag. She may be trying to reel you in, so to speak.


for some reason i'm getting the feeling she may be the flirtatious type.

Is this true?

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I want to say she likes you, but this just maybe one of those cases where she just does want to be a close friend.

Usually stuff like this would be some type of sign she's interested in you. But I just have this feeling that maybe she (for whatever reason) just feels comfortable with you. Some people just click on that type of level, or at least one party believes they have(even though they themselves migth not realize it).


I know for some reason some girls started getting more comfortable with me, but it was the last couple of weeks before school was out so I know that contributed to it. I learned more about them then than the other 17 months we've gone to school together. Found out things I would think people would have to know each other longer to know. (But the funny thing was I don't really ever remembering asking a question.)

But it was all in a more friendly manner than anything else.


You might have to provide more examples of what she does, cause it does currently sound like she just might be the flirtatious/friendly type.

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well, so far it sounds like she wants to be a close friend. Maybe friends with benefits (the touching). The fact that she's telling these "things" is a red flag. She may be trying to reel you in, so to speak.


for some reason i'm getting the feeling she may be the flirtatious type.

Is this true?


Well, she is definetely outgoing but I don't know if shes flirtatious. She acts a bit different in front of her other guy friends so I don't know really. But I agree with you guys, I think shes just the friendly type of person who feels comfortable around me. Just my luck I guess.

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Hey Wp21,


Coming from a girl's perspective, I think that she see's you as a 'buddy.' I agree with Tymiko. Sometimes, when a girl feels comfortable enough with a guy, she'll feel comfortable with talking about anything and everything with him.


About her giving you advice on how to 'get game,' it sounds like she's giving you 'sisterly' advice. I think that for now, she probably sees you as a 'close' friend of the oppossite sex. About the little pushing/shoving, she probably thinks that your cute even if she does still see you as a 'buddy.' Who knows, but give the relationship a little more time to progress. Meanwhile, try not to read into her signals too much. If things don't work out, then at least you'll know that you have a 'good friend.' Hope this helps. Mahlina


P.S.-Re Edit- I wouldn't read into it as a 'friends with benefits' deal. She's just being playful. Unless if she gives you a 'backrub' & making obvious comments, like she's interested in you, then I think that she's showing you a little more interest than that. (But if it's just a back-rub, maybe she's just the 'flirty' type. I still wouldn't misinterpret it as being 'friends with benefits' either)

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Thank you guys for the input. Well, we hung out last week, we went mini golfing and shopping by ourselves. I'm going to hangout with her tomorrow as well. Shes leaving the day after to a trip to Africa. I'm not quite sure what we could do tomorrow... but she says shes willing to meet my parents. Who knows, im so confused... Do you guys have any suggestions on what to do tomorrow. Also should I get her a little gift for her trip?

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I think a gift is sweet..it sounds like she likes you to me. Try hanging out with her more & see, I agree with mahlina, don't analyze it too much yet. Just let it progress as you too become more comfortable with each other & get to know each other better. It'll be easier that way. And I like the mini-putting idea, that's a good idea for me & my 'friend' as well..=) Do whatever you guys like - see a movie, go swimming, maybe suggest a few things to her.


take care,



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Try out some of her advice on her. If she calls you out on using it, jst tell her that yur practicing on how to "get game" & ask if its working. i think that would be a cute way off flirting w/out being to obvious. plus, who knows what her answer will be!

good luck & let us iknow how it goes

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  • 1 month later...
good luck & let us iknow how it goes


Well, thanks. I know its been a while but just wanted to update, and ask for more insight I suppose.


So, its been about 2 1/2 months since I met her and I still keep in touch with her and we hangout once in a while. Her family just moved pretty close by my house. We went bowling, mini-golfing, shopping, jogging and got coffee just randomly very late at night. See the thing is one time while we were driving, she told me she met some guy on her trip to Africa, she just briefly mentioned it. She says he doesn't seem interested in her and that he lives too far. She also mentioned shes afraid to commit to a relationship, but that she feels that she doesn't want to be single anymore. So I just listened, nodded, asked a little about him and if she liked him and what not. Then as I dropped her off I told her I met someone too (which is true) and that we hungout a few times. LOL mistake I guess, she wouldn't get out of the car and just bombarded me with questions. Who is she? What is she like? Is she pretty? What you guys do? blab la blabla.. Anyways, we ended up just talking about relationships for a good 45 minutes in the car. She says shes very afraid of rejection. Anyways, this is getting long and to sum it up I'm still just a confused boy who likes a girl.

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if she's single GO for it.

ask her out and get intimate with her.


if not she wants you to be her friend only and will just use(if u need more info about this PM ME).


ask her out or you will be the one that is going to get hurt when she got a boyfriend and stops hanging out with you.



Tell her you like her more than just a friend.

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