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How long should I last before to cum

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I want to share something with you.


I dated a few women trough the years and they were all different in bed which is normal!


The thing is "how long should I last before to cum" mouhahahahahaahahahahahaha! So weird! I was with a girl who wanted it to last few hours..... well, I did my best and i was able to handle 1 hour before to cum and to make her reach a nice ....hum! ok! you see!!! . But I met the opposite recently! hehehe! She told me: "I want to cum with you! As soon as I have my orgasm, you can cum...." lol! Amazing ! After 5 minutes, she was orgasmic like hell! So??? That mean I can cum? really??? Now??? I mean, only 5 minutes of wild action and your in heaven??? mouhahahaha! Incredible! Well, let me ask a question!


How long should it be??? (penetration time only)



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i think that you're going to get varying answers from varying women. you can also get different answers from the same woman...you're never gonna get a concrete one on this pal see, i'm like the chick you described sometimes, other times i'm all for an all out *ckfest. it just depends on our mood i'd say. as long as you're pleasin the ladies like they want to be pleased i don't think it really matters how long it is

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well this is what I see. If its her birthday and you get romantic. Candles, nice music, ect, it should be slow and long.


But if the 2 of yall sneak off to a bathroom in a resturaunt, perhaps a very quick session.


But just standard sex, prolly talk to her during / before. try to get a mood set. If i am spanking my girl for being 'naughty' before hand, it might turn into a screwfest.

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God, everyone is different. Man, I've even heard of girls training guys or guys training girls to /hurry up/ or /slow down/ according to their needs.


Ya know, that is just not necessary.


Those that make love right, talk. They express dreams, fantasy, and wants and needs. You listen, then you give back to each other. Try new things, or touch places that they enjoy. Or explore. I never think of penetration as the only thing good about 'making love'.


Hun, I don't call Foreplay foreplay, i call it /FLOORplay/


It's like a car, you got to turn it on and give it time to warm up, you dont just jump in a cold car and drive right off!

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