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What should the guy talk about to make the girl like him?

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when a guy is *dating the girl, what should the guy talk about with her and what not in order to make the girl like the guy? other than chatting, what are other essential stuffs?

*dating not only include coming out. it also include online chatting, coincidentally met each other in school(quite frequently)and phone.

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Its difficult to answer that question, because every girl is different. Hence different girls would like to talk about different things. And what 1 girl might like to chat about, or think is funny, another girl might hate it, and find it off putting.


Best advice, be yourself.

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Hi Itensail,

what should the guy talk about with her and what not in order to make the girl like the guy?


Awsome advice Josh's_BadKitty! I'd go with her advice, and also, remember this: either the chemistry's there or it's not. We cannot persuade anyone to like us or not. Be true to yourself. People cannot pull or twist someone's arms to make them love them, or like them. It just has to naturally occur. That's why there are some people out there, who always get heart broken for the wrong reasons, because what they don't realize is: they may feel something 'special' for someone else, but that other person might not feel the same. The feeling's not mutual. They end up chasing a 'fantasy' that will most likely not ever happen.


If it does, when the other partner does give into those lukewarm feelings, semi-attraction, and gets into relationship with the other person, they get bored of the other partner, because they weren't being honest to themselves, and how they feel. Then they break up. It's sad. Unfortunately, sometimes, this is the case.


As much as a person might want things to work out a certain way, there are no magic tricks, no ways to actually persuade or convince someone else to like another person. The chemistry just has to happen. People need to be 'Real' with themselves. Otherwise, they might be setting themselves up for failure. Some things we can control in our lives, but other things, like convincing someone to like us: doesn't work. We can't always get what we want. Some dreams are worth chasing, and other things aren't. If we try, and plans don't work out the way that we'd hope for them to be, then that's okay. It's not the end of the world. At least we tried. Accept consquences for what they are.


Be you. Enjoy letting your personality shine through. How's that for starters? Talk about things that intrigue you, vice versa. If she doesn't accept you, or take notice of whatever interests you might have, then perhaps the chemistry's not there. Perhaps it's not meant to be. No one's loss. At least you tried, right? Learning comes with experience.


It's not the things that a person says, or what they buy to 'convince' a person to like them. It's the feelings that they get from the other paerson, that bond that we can't describe. Again, chemistry's either there or it's not. However, if you're looking for adice on "Ways to Court a Girl," then I suggest first of all to:

#1. Be polite- Shows respect/maturity

2.) Have Common Courtesy- being curteous to common people, (ie. waitors, waitresses), opening doors, 'gentlemen like qualities.'

3.) Don't get jealous too quick- Scares girls off.

4.) Keep Conversations Light Hearted- Joke around. Be you. Let go of your personality. Enjoy your conversations, and let things proceed from there.

5.) Smile- Try not to be too nervous. Easier said than done, right? But the relaxed joe, humble, and smiley attitude is a BIG plus. (I don't know about other girls, but I certainly don't want to be around a guy who's too uptight )


Keep in mind, these are just ways to converse and court. It's not meant to 'make' a girl like a guy. If it doesn't work out, then take that "Oh Well" kinda attitude and take a good look at yourself by being glad that you took the initiative to a take risk. Which in the end, allows you to gain 'courage,' thereforeeee, more self-confidence. You can be proud of yourself, to look back, and say that you learned from these little experiences right? Hope this Helps. Keep us posted! Mahlina

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