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why did she called/please help

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I post my story here before. My ex and me were together for 15 months and the out of the blue she dumped me because she was not happy. Any way it has been two months since she left me. I did everything I could to get her back, I opened up to her in person, told her how I feel (it was a mistake I know that now). at that time she said no because she was seeing someone. About three days ago I received a text message from her saying " hello there, how r u doing, call me sometimes" I did not reply to it. Last night she called me asking if I received the message because I did not reply to it, she asked me how I've been and if I would like to hang out and if so to give her a call sometimes. Now I do not know what should I do, I love that girl more then anything, but she hurt me so much. Please help me



the last time i talked to her was three week ago.

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Im in EXACTLY the same situation, i knew this girl for 8 years and she was my girlfriend (Shell) for 5! during that time we got engaged in Paris cos we were so in love. but out of the blue she left me over stupid arguments about going out cos she'd met new friends at uni!!! i asked her to tell me if there was someone else but she repeatedly said NO, over and over! i tried to sort things out and said i was sorry if id done things to make her unhappy and we could work it out, she took no notice at all, she told me that she didnt love me no more and the pain would go shortly if i stopped calling her!!! (she changed her number) it was a massive blow to hear her say these things! i went into a bad depression and realised what people meant when they said they were heartbroken! i was totally confused??? 2 months passed by an although i thought about her every day and didnt want to be living the life i was living cos i was so happy with her before we broke up, things were getting easier. i started enjoying myself meeting new friends and i was happy to realise several girls where interested in me! these girls would never be what i had with Shell but it was a comfort. it was getting on 4 months when i got a txt out of the blue saying it was shell and she changed her number cos she was stressed and how was i? my heart raced, i replied n told her i was fine n id been thinking about her! i left it at that and said to myself i wouldnt txt. i didnt txt!!! but i received txts off her last weekend (when she was out on the town, drunk! ) asking if im o.k n she misses me and would like me to be there with her & she defo wants to see me soon! i took this as an oppertunity to save what we had after a break cos id realised my mistakes. so i met her and she explained that she doesnt want to try again she wants to just be my FRIEND. she has messed my head up!, but i love her as stong as i did that day when i put that ring on her finger!!! but i cant be her friend cos i would always want her to be mine to hold and to kiss!! now im getting depressed & thinking of her again. i dont kno what to do either! i want her bck but she says she just wants to be friends AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

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If you love her then you need to think about what was wrong before you broke up. If you don't see a future then tread lightly and see what happens.


I feel your pain. Just been through it. Got back together with her and now I ended it again. I just don't know. It's so hard I know and the anguish is just indescribable.


Hang in and use your best judgement.


You'll be OK

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Halfdman: mate, I am in nearly the exact same situation as you.

Girlfriend for 3 1/2 years, and leaves me unexpectadly after a trivial argument. Later I find out shes seeing someone who she works with, and may have even been cheating on me too!

She too changed her number on me, tried to take a harassment order against me (which was laughed out of court), and just told me plain and simple she doesnt love me and doesnt wanna see me anymore.


2 months has now gone, and id have her back in a second i think.


I havent received any type of "sorry" text or message or anything! But hope that maybe she feels a little bad about how she treated me, and would like to one day at least be friends.


I think with you 2 guys, friends is better than nothing. At least you can have contact with her, and maybe she can then see what she lost.....

I know that if I was friends with my ex, id have an 80% chance of getting back with her.

Absense makes the heart grow fonder, and if these girls were smart and a little sentimental then remembering the good times usually is pretty overwhelming, and could change their mind.

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Hey, I know it must be really hard for you now because you probably want to see her, but are also scared that you will get hurt again.


It may be a case of things didn't work out with the other person she was seeing so she has come back to you. If this is the case, you aren't a doormat and deserve to be treated better than a second prize.


However, she may have realised what she lost during this time and wants you back in her life.. or she may just want you to be friends. You need to think about what you really want and if being friends would be hurtful then it may be easier not to be friends.


I agree with James30 and go with what you feel is right deep down.. you know what your relationship was like before and do you want to go back to that, or are you doing ok on your own now?

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I have myself been in that situation and i handled it very differently. I think what "helped" me was that i was angry at her , i was mad , so mad and couldn't find any valid excuse to how was it possible that someone that loved u so much and would give their lives for u could hurt u in return so badly without even considering it ...

I knew i had strong feelings for her, and no contact was made easy and at the moments i met her i was cool , relax, expeting a love-vendetta and since she was my gf i knew the things, the attitude that would make her regret and it works.

Still at this date I really love her and always did , we r "back together" but in my heart , i have not forgotten that she hurted me once and can very much do it again ... it's like working in a zoo , but u love so much the animals but u got to get in the cage and feed the lion .... 8)


hope it helps ....

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