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Would you say she likes me??????

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hi me and a girl from work have become very close latley.I told her i like her but she did not reply she just asked me for a kiss.When we was both sitting in the back of my mates car after a night drinking she decided to lie down and go to sleep.she rested her head on my lap and then started holding my hand. I thought nothin of it really but after we had all been back to my sisters house she yet again decided to go to sleep in the car on the way back.But this time she didn't only hold my hand she started kissing it aswell.Can i please have some advice on what you would do if you was in my situation.

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It sounds like gold to me but you can still blow it, just lay back and be cool. Let her make all the moves. What ever you do don't tell her you like her, let her wonder where she stands with you. Just keep her laughing and everything will fall into place. trust me it works!

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ok it's about time you get a girl's opinion on the situation, after all, what do guys know? jj boys

I do think that yes, this girl if definitely interested in you. Yes you should play it cool but don't let her make ALL the moves. If you do that she'll think you don't like her back or you're not interested in her in the same way she is in you. After all, she already HAS displayed affection towards you, there is no obscurity in her interest. I speak from experience from similiar situations, when guys don't respond to my affection, my immediate thought is that they AREN'T INTERESTED. Trust me, girls don't lose interest as quickly as guys.

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