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someone please give me your opinion....

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Alrite...here goes....me and my exboyfriend were perfect together. We are a lot the same and different too...we complimented each other. Ok so we didn't go out for a long time or anything but I really like him a lot. The reason he broke up with me was because he didnt feel like it was the right time in his life for a girlfriend. But he constantly...well not constantly but has told me at least 4 times in 3 weeks he still likes me or misses me but still feels the same way about a relationship. We are really good friends...he is at my house at least twice a week or more usually...and he still kinda flurts with me. So do you guys think we are over? Because I like him so much, so I mean, I am just curiouse what people's opinions are.

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I do not believe things are over with yall. I think you just need to give him the time, that in a way, he asked for. I believe that him telling you that he still likes you, and that he misses you is a sign from him to know that y'all will be together again, but not until he is ready. If you really like him the way you seem to.. give him the time he needs, because I'm sure he'd do the same for you.



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thats good advice but also beware of falling into the friendly lovers trap, he may still want you sexually and maybe even emotional but he is afraid of women or relationships, i have seen many of my friends do this and it most often leads to the best friend you sleep with, which isnt all that bad if thats what you want. just make sure you both want the same thing.

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