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ATTENTION ALL FEMALES! A question about my period...

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Yesterday, 2 days before my 16th birthday, I started bleeding below. I'm pretty sure it was my first period and even told my mom this morning. Problem is, when I went to the bathroom today, there was no more blood and it was a very little amount yesterday. Is it normal to get it for just a day at first? The whole irregular stage? I thought at first yesterday maybe I tore something or scraped something but when I was bleeding a few hours after I had checked earlier, I figured I would have already healed if that was the case so it must be my period (also, my brests were sore which my mom had said earlier was a sign of getting your period but I hadn't had any cramps)... I'm just wondering if this one day thing is anything to worry about, especially since I'm going on vacation in 2 days and there's alot of swimming in my future lol. Please let me know what you think, or tell me if this has ever happened to you. Thanks.

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Hi Mermaid_gurl,


Yes it's normal. I think that you'll probably finally start your period within the next day or so. It happened to me once, and it took me two days to actually start, after the initial tiny bleeding. Sometimes your period can be irregular due to lots of things going on in your life:



-lack of sleep,



...whatever catalyzes our hormones to throw it 'out of balance.' You'll do fine. Hang in there. Last but not least, just in advance, HAPPY SWEET 16! I love your avatar btw!

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Everythings normal ! im sorry u started ur perios but itll turn into a routine thing lol....Yep skipping a day or 2 when ur on ur period is totally 100 percent normal...If ur going to be swimming a lot ide recommend wearing a small tampon ...It takes a few trys to use right but ide really reccomend it since u skipped aday...ur period can sneek up on u neminute ....Have fun and congrats!

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unfortunately, yes this is very normal!


starting at 16 yrs. you are very lucky that you haven't started earlier (i started at 12!)


unforunately you can't stop your periods or regulate them. it happens naturally or by using the contraceptive pill, which has a few usegages including regulating periods, lessening pain and lessening heaviness. it's only something that you, alone, can decide. i do suggest giving your body a year to see how your body reacts to your hormones. if you find that you do suffer sereve period pain, extreme heaviness, or irregularity , THEN i would say go on the pill.


for the time being, buy some painkiller to lessen the cramps and try and relax.

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