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Do friends ever become more???


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Yes, my brother and sister in law. They met in junior high, were friends then later "best friends". A year or two later they started dating. Then when they went to college in different states they broke up but stayed platonic friends while they dated others. When they graduated they supposedly were still friends then they moved in together (by this point I think they were together). A year later they got engaged, then married and have been married 10 years with a baby daughter. Right now I love a guy who's been a longtime friend, but not sure how that will go yet (I think we will end up together eventually).

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Do friends ever become more? Is it possible? I have a female friend I've known for seven years and we are almost like best friends to each other, even moreso lately.


Anyone have any stories of friends becoming more?

Does this mean you have feelings for her? If so, it doesn't matter what other people's experiences are - make a move and have your own experence.
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Do friends ever become more? Is it possible? I have a female friend I've known for seven years and we are almost like best friends to each other, even moreso lately.


Anyone have any stories of friends becoming more?


Sorry to sound discouraging but you have very little chance of becoming more than a friend. Especially since it has been 7 years. Why didn't you ask her for a date when you met her? Anyway, if you really want her then you have to take a chance and tell her how you feel at least now.

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