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Am i unfair ???


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Ok i m trying to work out the things.However i have to pay my new spouse half of the mortage today.I was short 100 and he got upset.there are 4 people in that house,me,him and his parents .Parents are on disability.I do respect his family ,however they have some strange rules...they do not want me to touch their food or milk and stuff without telling them or they get upset.He is the same way....since he wants everything so separate...does not even want to put money together with me...Do u think is unfair for me to ask that everyone should pay 1/4 of bills,meaning 1/4 of mortage,light,water ,cable ...and even food....?????I mean he wants everything so separate ??? Do u think i m unfair now in asking this???

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Ok I don't get this at all. Basically you are supporting his parents with him? I understand that they are on disability, so if they cannot afford to pay towards the mortgage, he should be paying 3/4 of it and you should be paying 1/4.


This might sound a bit shallow, but what if you break up? You will have wasted a lot of money supporting someone else's parents. I couldn't live in a situation like this.

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another thing is that he is stating he loves me but he is still tells me lies....last night his phone was vibrating around 12:30 and he jumped from bed stating the battery goes off...i seen him standing with the phone in hands cheking mesagges and deleting...and then he walked with the phone end putted in the charger.

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