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I broke NC today..


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I broke NC today because she sent me a text message saying, "belated happy birthday loser." I just texted back an hour or 2 later, " thank you" so after all the hateful things she said to me a 2 weeks ago about not ever wanting to talk to me ever again or not wanting to be friends or see me again, she sends me this text message. I know when she says "loser" she's being friendly because we always used to call each other that name. I have no idea what's been going on with her life these past 18 or so days of not talking to her at all. The last time I heard from her, she has a rebound guy she's trying to get with. I honestly did not expect to get a text from her anytime soon. I'm curious to see what's going to happen next... but this time I'm better prepared to play this game and know what to do in certain situations rather than freak out, thanks to visiting this website and reading so much good info and words of wisdom

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Obviously it's a game to her, now she's got you playing. Back to square one.
Only this time I'm not freaking and crying for her. I will remain NC until I know exactly what she wants. I didn't want to ignore a friendly text from her so I just kept it very simple and short.
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You're not freaking and crying now because you just contacted her...your hopes are up, she threw you a crumb to eat, she's got your interest piqued again, she's got your playing the game. You're her toy, she can do what she wants, text what she wants and get you all riled up again. Meanwhile she's with some other guy or who knows what she's doing. If she cared about you, truly cared about you she would leave you alone to heal and move on.

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yup, i read this and initially thought "oh well that's nice, sounds like you're getting to a better place" but then i realised the time 'apart' has been so little, and i realised your hopes seem to have been lifted by this...... and why is she texting you when she said she wanted NC.... and why did you reply? Seriously.... she has some sort of hold on you.


Seems like a nice thing on the surface but it really looks like a powerplay, and a really quite selfish thing she did there... what makes it worse is you willingly played the game, walking into her trap. Who cares what she wants? What do YOU want?


I'd block her number till you know what you want to do to be honest.

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You're not freaking and crying now because you just contacted her...your hopes are up, she threw you a crumb to eat, she's got your interest piqued again, she's got your playing the game. You're her toy, she can do what she wants, text what she wants and get you all riled up again. Meanwhile she's with some other guy or who knows what she's doing. If she cared about you, truly cared about you she would leave you alone to heal and move on.
She can do whatever she wants but I'm not gonna play "her" game. I seriously have my guards up. I didn't just want to blow her off after she wished me a happy birthday. Yeah I still think about her but seriously though, she's not the number priority in my mind right now. Yeah I want to get back with her but I'm not making her an option right now.
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yup, i read this and initially thought "oh well that's nice, sounds like you're getting to a better place" but then i realised the time 'apart' has been so little, and i realised your hopes seem to have been lifted by this...... and why is she texting you when she said she wanted NC.... and why did you reply? Seriously.... she has some sort of hold on you.


Seems like a nice thing on the surface but it really looks like a powerplay, and a really quite selfish thing she did there... what makes it worse is you willingly played the game, walking into her trap. Who cares what she wants? What do YOU want?


I'd block her number till you know what you want to do to be honest.

What I want is to get back with her someday, in the future. I'm in no hurry to get back with her because I already know the situation.. yeah she's talking to someone I guess so I'm gonna back off from her. I'm feeling a lot better with myself lately. I'm not putting her ahead of anything anymore. I'm actually focusing on my own goals now. I'm talking to other women!! So I just replied back to her text in respect because she wished me a happy birthday. I didn't want to totally blow that off. So yeah I just won't initiate any contact with her.
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