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Sometimes, i made my gf angry but i don't know what i did wrong.

then i'll start guessing what am i wrong at and ask her if i'm correct.

but even i'm correct, she won't even admit then i cant be sure what i'm wrong at. so how can i spot my mistake and how can i make her less angry??!!? plz help........i often offend her, stupid me.

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well if youve been dating for a while and she gets mad at you often for apparently no reason then shes probably getting tired of the relationship. she might just want to end it but she doesnt know how. other than that, learn from your mistakes, look at what offended her in the past and learn not to do it again. if she gets mad at new things all the time. well then read the above again. good luck!

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It may be the fact that she wants out of the relationship but doesn't know how, however it may go a little deeper. One of my friends was just like your girlfriend. She would always get mad at her boyfriend and would not tell him why. Then, I asked her why she is always mad. Her reply was, "I don't know." In the end, I found out that she just did it for attention. So maybe you are not giving her enough attention... Or maybe she's just wanting too much attention. Most of the time people try to get negative attention after they can't get the positive attention they want.


You should sit her down and talk to her. And make sure you think through what you want to say... Don't want to make her angry!

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I dont think you'll ever now anything about a women for sure. They are crazy(sorry ladies) when you compare them to yourself(a guy). They are irrational and emotional and when they get mad look out, it's just their natural way. You can learn to work around it, find little hints of whats going on but you'll never know for sure. I think they do it for control purposes, they seem to like to be in control, ever forcefully remove one of them from the position of control, they go really crazy. It can be scary, I've got a story if you like to hear it. Anyway stop begging her to tell you what you did wrong. Next time this happens look her in the eyes and say(and sound mean) "Fine, if you won't tell me, don't get mad at me the next time it happens" and maybe she'll get the hint that you don't care anymore since she can't talk to you about it. She'll have more respect for you too since you won't look like such a needy wuss by begging her to tell you so you can fix it, she's the one that's mad for no reason let her fix it. Take that control away from her, don't let her terrorize you like that, that is one of the most unfair things women do to men. It's also part of the reason they think were all stupid and I'm sure it's part of why we usually die first, well that and ladies you just wear us out, I'm 23 and tired from the last relationship I had. Anyway I think you should refuse to take this crap and I do mean crap, if I do something wrong tell me, I can't read your mind and your body language changes so often when your mad I would need instant reply to analyze it.


Well good luck my friend, stand your ground or she'll bury you in it, oh and is this the girl you been after for the last 4 months or is this someone new?


Good advice OceanEyes but I've learned a few things lately and he needs to stand his ground here not lay down and die. Especially if it's the girl I asked if it was.


PS. I'm not saying that women are all stupid controling B***** I'm just saying that they can be at times, usually at moments describe in this topic. So no hate mail please.

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Hey, you still remember I'm the one who has been liking a girl for 4 months.^^ ya, honestly, the girl i'm talking about is still the one who I have been liking for 4 months.


Your advice given is kinda like, "fine, u don't tell me? I don't care about you" Yours is to go the manly way but has a risk and that is what is the girl also don't care? this will make her more angry and then both of us will go into a "cold war" right?


Oceaneyes's advice is like, "I didn't mean to do something harmful to you." Hers is to go a sticking-to-her-like-a-child way.


Both have their pros and cons. So what should i do?

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My advice does not mean you don't care about her, all it means is that you don't care that she is mad if she is not going to be a big enough person to tell you what's wrong. Relationships are about communication and what she is doing is not communicating with you. She is the one in the wrong here, your trying to talk about it and she is resisting. She is the issue not you.


Take my advice I think you will see good things come from it. If not then dump her you don't need this BS, it's YOUR LIFE, not hers and she is trying to control it.

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Anger is such a negative emotion. But, we all have it, so if you love her, bear with it as long as she doesn't get violent


Us females don't tell you guys b/c we feel that if you really understood us, you would know why we are upset. Yes, we know you are nit mind readers, it's more about us being "feeler" & alot of guys feel deeply too


Next time happens, just try to make her laugh...it's hard, but not impossible..she'll come around eventually. Stay positive in any situation no matter how hot & heavy it gets.

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