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Large Penis

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My boyfriend has an abnormally thick penis... Like can't even get the thing in me without lube. It's actually not bad, and I've learned to like it, but the problem now is giving head. He's never had a girl that was able to do it, because of the size. He's really sensitive about it, so I really want to figure something out that would be great for him, but I have no idea. It literally does not fit in my mouth. Any advice?

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this may or my not sound werid, but try this. "lick" the head, "suck" the head (that's where most of the nerve endings are anyway), and use your hand as a "extended" mouth as if you are pulling him off. go with the motion of your mouth so it feels familiar pattern movements (so it's repeteitive).


i've got the same prob with my man. his very thick and long too! it's just a matter of adjusting for the guy. be experiemental! he'll love you forever!

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