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I am SERIOUSLY gonna kill myself...Help me!!

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ok before I get started plz read this link removed


Well yeah he tried to cheat on me....I was so hurt but I couldnt cry, I wouldnt reject myself to cry over Steven, I couldnt do it, so I thought paybacks!! I know wut I did next was just plain awful. I called my exboyfriend and asked him if I could come over. Well I did and we kissed. Like 10 mins later Steven calls. He was like so your over your exes. If u are all im sayin is its over. I go excuse me. U was all up and over my best friend. Hes like no I wasnt. Hes like I dunno u that well. Im like yeah wut u gettin to. hes like its over. Im like its over ok, and he called me beat. Then what i did next was so hard. I hung up on him. 2 hours later my cousin called him. He turned it all round on me sayin i did stuff with my ex and that he never touched my best friend, who isnt my best friend anymore over gay reasons. ow so many pplz are gonna be after me and I duno. I really really thought he was different. Oh and he was tryin to get with my cousin to. How pathetic! I mean I feel as if I have no one to run to. I feel betrayed so BAD!! I liked him so much, and Im debating on if I should kill myself or not. I mean life feels as if theres no meanin n e more! I lost my bf my best friend and everything else. How could people do this? Help me

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if he isn't worth it to be your boyfriend, then he sure as h*ll isn't worth killing yourself over. and there are nutcases in our lives that just mess things up. in this case, it's your exbest friend. don't let these people mess with you and your independence. there are plenty of good people out there. you just need to be open up to them. however, you must be strong agaisnt those who will hurt you.


there is much to live for. please please, reconsider your position. do it for yourself. Do it for God.

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don't kill yourself trust me that is not an answer you can't back out of that one. you shouldn't of done the payback thing or whatever but you could also just and eye for and eye. you don't need a guy like that and no one should judge u if they don't know you. im going through the judgement thing by other people right now because of an ex but killing yourself is not the answer. don't try to act better then him or anything and don't even acknowledge him i know you like him but those feelings can and will go away. keep yourself busy go out with family and friends don't get yourself in trouble or anything there are many other options but this stuff blows over and usually in high school everyone forgets in a week or so. and these things don't follow you you get out of high school the memories do there is not reason to keep them. just learn from mistakes now and things will get easier. guys come and go with new knowledge of what you like and what you don't like and you will find someone you know how to treat you like a queen. life ain't so bad.

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Whatever you do sweetheart please don't kill yourself. That's not the answer...Just take some time to really think this through. Its not worth taking your life over, no person is. And this wasn't your fault sweetie, honestly it wasn't. Blaming yourself for it is unfair to both you and everyone else involved. Don't give in to this tempation and honestly it won't solve anything it will only make matters worse. Just think of what your family would feel like if you did that. They'd be devastated and for what, for a guy? Your a beautiful woman, intelligent, and have alot going for you, don't throw it all away like this. If you need to PM anyone here, please feel free. But I ask you, please don't take this route...Its unnecessary and would hurt the people who care for you the most...

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