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how doyou motivate yourself

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I run 3-5 times a week for about 2-4 miles on average. It depends on how stressed out I am, and for making mistakes or feeling stressed it pushes me to want to run. If I cheat my diet, happens too often I feel like I should run to burn those calories. I had a very stressful time at work two weeks ago and ended up running 7 miles that night. I ran until I stopped caring or thinking about drama at the work place. I have anxiety problems that are somewhat difficult to cope with, but they don't interfere with work/school Running also lost me 35 lbs in 3 months, helped me quit smoking, and the healthy stress relief helped me retain my GPA up to a 4.0!

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I gained 37 pounds when I was pregnant (my child is almost 1.5 years). Until then, most of my workouts for over 20 years previously had been either at a gym or power walking, etc. and always with my favorite music for motivation and adrenaline.

I'd never been overweight but I started regularly exercising at age 15 so I already had exercise as a part of my life when I was 41 and pregnant.


What really helped was a friend of mine who exercises almost every day even if she is dead tired (which is often, she works so hard) - she reminded me that you just have to be a robot about it - that as long as you start the process, you will go through your workout.


At the time my child was about 3 months old, I was dead tired and sluggish from the extra weight (still had about 10 pounds to go at that point). But I figured if she could do it I could do it.


Most of the time, until I could do power walks outside with the stroller (or on my own if my husband was around), I had to work out at home - so boring.


What I did was put on the TV, get a big glass of ice water, and I did (and do) back leg lifts with as much strength as I can muster for 30 minutes - I know I am getting a good workout as far as cardio because I sweat, I feel that I am pushing it to the limit, etc. I don't recommend this as far as whether it's good for muscles/back etc I can't even listen to my Ipod because I need to be able to hear the baby (this is during his nap).


I am also motivated because I know that this is the only opportunity of the day (other times it's likely he might wake up early or need me) and I know how great it feels that I can keep the weight off plus some - doing this as my main exercise I was able to lose all the weight within 5 months after the birth and I lost an additional 5 pounds within the next 3-4 months - kept it off for about a year now. At 43 years old, that's not too shabby lol.


And I also feel great when it's over - I sort of cheer myself on during it. But for starting it - I really have to be robotic - no excuses, no stalling, just put on those workout clothes, get your water, get your favorite music (which you probably can do, unlike me) and just do it. And remember the positve affirmations during it and the cheering - it really helps. Also when I "exhale" I pretend I am exhaling all of the negative energy/stress of the day which also is a nice payoff.


I should add that for me, the simpler the better- no fancy workout clothes, no fancy workout, same routine, same water glass, etc. If it takes more than two minutes to get yourself ready then smplify it because you don't want to have that process drag you down. Good luck!

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I do 30minute exercises every other day. My motivation is change. I'm tired of being the "stick" So I eat constantly throughout the day to pack on pounds and turn it into muscle. Let me tell you, the moment you start seeing results.. Its a great feeling, and that alone motivates me even more.

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one night i decided to run a mile with my bf after having...YEARSSSSS of not working out.

i ran/jog/walked the mile.


next day i was throwing up & had a horrible stomache ache.

i'm scared to ever try it again o.0 my body didn't react well.

that's the second time i get sick after a jog, wth!

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one night i decided to run a mile with my bf after having...YEARSSSSS of not working out.

i ran/jog/walked the mile.


next day i was throwing up & had a horrible stomache ache.

i'm scared to ever try it again o.0 my body didn't react well.

that's the second time i get sick after a jog, wth!


Thats because you totally shocked your system not good a mile is a good distance for some one who hasn't worked out in years? Heck ide have a heart attack if I tried that start off slow walk half a mile and then work your way up!

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To motivate I concentrate on one quote that "Health is the wealth". Therefore, it is require to keep maintain the health. I prefer exercise and diet food to maintain my physics regularly. Another important thing is that to control on the brain as meditation.

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To motivate yourself long-term you need to get into a routine and also set yourself measurable targets. It's quite easy to get yourself into exercise short-term, but keeping it up is tricky, particularly if your lifestyle doesn't lend itself to routine.

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