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Would you insist on inviting a friend...


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...from another city to your home, when you clearly know that he wants more than friendship from you?


Imagine someone did. What do you think it means?

Why would a woman keep asking her male friend when he can come over for a week, why he can't come earlier, why he can't ask for a leave from work in order to come, and even add that he should come when it is most convenient for him?

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I wouldn't read into it too much. I can very easily imagine some of my female friends saying all those things to their good male friends without meaning anything besides "I haven't seen you in a long time and really want to see you." It really depends on the woman's personality. Some women are "divas" in the sense that they need their friends to come entertain them and think that they should jump through all kinds of hoops to do so. Maybe she's going through a rough/boring patch in her life right now and wants someone to spend time with her. This does NOT mean that she wants more than friendship from you all of a sudden.


From a more personal experience, I do have a good male friend in another city, and I've got a hunch that he likes me as more than just a friend. Still, I have been guilty of telling him to come visit me (though my city is visit-worthy even if I'm not there!), simply because we always have fun together, not because I want more from our friendship. I've only ever suggested weekend visits, though, never a whole week, and never asked him to take a leave from work...

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