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Are the late teens/early 20's really the sexual 'peak' for males?


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Not going to be long winded, as I so often am.


I'm merely curious and felt this might be an interesting topic.


I would hate to think that turning 31 in November, that I would be that far behind the so called 'peak' and that even if by some miracle I were to find a woman tomorrow, that the best sex of my life would have been a distant memory.


Needless to say it sucks badly enough still being a virgin, to think that I've already officially missed out on the best and most pleasurable sex of my life makes things that much more frustrating... as I'm sure it does for others on here going through something similar.. as there does seem to be a core group of mid 20's and older virgins on this site.


I guess on the plus side, if I ever do meet someone worth having sex with.. and assuming she is willing to give me a chance, I suppose having missed out on the so called peak... I at least at that point wouldn't know what I missed out on.


Ahhh a silver lining in an otherwise crappy situation.

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Lifting weights, attitude, and believing in yourself will keep your testosterone high enough to be close to peak. I'm 39 and i'm glad its no longer like it was years ago...its was too high...sometimes i need to concentrate on other things ya know.


My advice to you, although unsolicited, is if you are gonig to be IRRATIONAL, right now you are against yourself in your self-view you might as well be IRRATIONAL for yourself and watch how fast thigns turn around. Forget "logic." Seeing is not believing. Believing is seeing and thats what you need to understand.

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Well, my first thought when reading your headline was yes, that would suck. I don't have the age to tell you this but I believe that women are in their sexual peak in their 30's so why not men? Have you tried internet dating?


Yes and got nowhere with it, granted it's in part my own fault. I'm horrifically shy and lack confidence and self esteem. Due in great part to these things I have a lot of trouble adjusting to the typical 'male' role of being the one who does the approaching and the initiating in terms of dating.


I guess I was hoping that some girl... any girl really would take the time to look at my profile and contact me.


Never happened, I don't know if it's because even in the online realm the average female doesn't feel comfortable approaching guys.. instead of the other way around, or because I truly don't have anything to offer.


I just know I got nowhere with it.

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Lifting weights, attitude, and believing in yourself will keep your testosterone high enough to be close to peak. I'm 39 and i'm glad its no longer like it was years ago...its was too high...sometimes i need to concentrate on other things ya know.


My advice to you, although unsolicited, is if you are gonig to be IRRATIONAL, right now you are against yourself in your self-view you might as well be IRRATIONAL for yourself and watch how fast thigns turn around. Forget "logic." Seeing is not believing. Believing is seeing and thats what you need to understand.


Thanks for the advice, will take it into account.

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Yes and got nowhere with it, granted it's in part my own fault. I'm horrifically shy and lack confidence and self esteem. Due in great part to these things I have a lot of trouble adjusting to the typical 'male' role of being the one who does the approaching and the initiating in terms of dating.


I guess I was hoping that some girl... any girl really would take the time to look at my profile and contact me.


Never happened, I don't know if it's because even in the online realm the average female doesn't feel comfortable approaching guys.. instead of the other way around, or because I truly don't have anything to offer.


I just know I got nowhere with it.


All it takes is one girl to learn them all, trust me. Instead of profiles, look at craigslist, the personals in your city. I've met a couple girls off there and I'm in a 2 year LTR right now so far because of it. You'll find shy girls on there too and they'll tell you upfront hehe. Plus I always liked the randomness and the you-never-know aspect.

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i cant say if they are the sexual peak as i havnt passed them..but on an off note, you should try smiling in your pic and maybe when your around people if you dont..it relaxes people who are around you and makes you look friendlier\more approachable..if your teeth suck then try like the no teeth showing smile..


just some random thought..

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i cant say if they are the sexual peak as i havnt passed them..but on an off note, you should try smiling in your pic and maybe when your around people if you dont..it relaxes people who are around you and makes you look friendlier\more approachable..if your teeth suck then try like the no teeth showing smile..


just some random thought..


My teeth do suck... one of the many many things I want to work on, just wish cosmetic dentistry didn't cost a small fortune


My smile is goofy as hell... whether I show teeth or not. I'll try to post a new picture smiling over the next week or so, then people will know what I mean when I say goofy... and not goofy in a 'cute' sort of way.. goofy in a god that smile sucks sort of way.


Although that might in part be because I at this point in time usually have to force smiles, maybe if I can get to the point of being happier about my life.. smiles might come naturally and not look so stupid.




I know that my lack of smiling is a detriment, I honestly feel that smiling would make things worse though. I would tend to agree that for 99 percent of the population smiling is a good thing, I look like a moron when I smile.

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To me it's about the lost time rather than "peak". A 30yr old might not be as energetic as a 20yr old but in terms of the enjoyment of sex I don't think it's too different. Then again what would I know, being that in that core-group you mentioned.


My feeling isn't "this would have been better 10 years ago", it's "I could've (should've!) been doing this already 10 years ago". It's not taking anything away from the present, but the damage has already been done. You can't bring back passed time.

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'Sexual peak' has nothing to do with how good sex feels. Sex in your 30's can be better, and often IS better on average, than it was in your 20's. That's my experience, anyways.


Sexual peak just refers to frequency of horniness, and is basically when your hormones are most raging.

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Highest sex drive does not equate best sex.


And, not every guy hits his sexual stride in his late teens. Other factors come into play. A 40 year old, highly active, very happy guy with a loving partner will have a higher sex drive than an overweight and depressed 20 year old.


And he'll be having far better sex too.

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