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breaking contact

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i dont think i could take it anymore.i was thinking of writing to my ex after 1 year of no contact.mostly out of anger i think.i also started to realize that i was the rebound and only used me to forget her ex.i just so mentally exhausted and even though i know i wont find anyone i dont want her back but i honestly want her to suffer.yeah i know.i told myself mutiple times not to think that way but only thing i did wrong was beg her to take me back.i was soo blind and naive thinkin she really liked me.

what have i got to lose,tired of walking around feeling guilty,90% of my time is thinking of her and blaming myself..she believed i lied to her about my age,i wanted to confront her about it,of how could she possibly believe something like that.but being to much of a sissy i decided not to cause anymore problems.


im just so tired of it all

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Well I am in the same situation, she used me to get over her ex as well, and she had a new bf only 3 days after she broke up with me (6 months ago).


And sure I'm pissed off as well. Somewhere down the line I'm hoping on reconcilation if things don't work out with her current bf. But that probally won't happen.


What are you trying to achieve contacting your ex? She won't say sorry if you write her an angry message. If she regrets her actions in the past she will let it know. And if she doesn't she ain't worth any of your thoughts.

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Thats true.. But I know she still loves me, and everybody makes mistakes. She is drop dead gorgeous (could be a model if she wanted), and we had a really nice relationship without any argues. I'm pretty sure she will contact me sometime in the future (when she is single) to talk about us again. I've got her on msn but I never go online, but she can email me if she wants.


She has to say sorry and she's has a lot of explaining to do. But I understand her motivation, she was only 22 at the time, and I'm 34. She wasn't ready to settle for life yet. She has a lot to learn about relationships, and somewhere down the road she will see I was her best option. If she won't it's okay, that would suck but I wish her all the best.

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I have 1 ex who made my life hell, I took so many years to get over him, and forgive myself for letting myself hurt so badly (I should have left him many months before it actually ended, by him.)


I was so angry for years, and all I ever wanted was for him to die. I just could not believe someone so horrible is allowed to live and have a happy life.


I kept NC but he always contacted me every 6 months or so, asking me to hook up with him in casual manners, and I never agreed to it, or be nasty to him. I was always polite, not friendly but civil. I thought handling contacts from ex in a mature way is the way to go. But it didn't make me feel any better.


He apologized few times throughout the years, and that didn't make me feel any better.


I can't tell you how I got out of it except that I began forgetting the anger. Time indeed makes things better.


And now I really think years spent for him was such a waste! It's so tiring to be angry for that long.


You deserve better than spending all these negative energy on something that happened in the past. You can't change what has already happened, and the only thing for you to do is to look ahead, and move forward.


Don't waste your time and energy on this girl, she ain't worth it, is she?


If this makes you feel any better my ex told me it was all his fault and that he kept doing all these horrible things to other girls since me because he is screwed up, and he is miserable. (Feel sorry for girls, and serves right to my ex.)


Good luck x

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baxxter-sorry to hear about that ex,i dont understand why he would keep contacting you afterwards though.seems like he just wanted to have you on stanby,just in case....


my ex would always tell me how she hated men and she was sorry for being cold and non sentimental towards our brief relation and that she was not so sure she actually even wanted me as her boyfriend.i am pretty certain she will never contact me.she is a very proud and strong willed girl who is very career oriented.


And yeah,she is not worth it.really wish she was,as i was so very much attracted to.

Thank you

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lucky you manhood...see thats the difference,she loved or loves you still.i know for sure she never loved me,she did tell me within a week of us together that she was falling for me.whoa!,think about what your saying there.is what i said.

other difference,not that much arguing...all we did was argue,and i am a really laid back guy.rarely argue at all.according to her i was well pretty much wrong all the time,about everything.

i would of headed out the door with my head held high if i wouldnt of have stayed those 5 friggin months to try and win her back. up until the break up i did an A+ job with her.

im sure your girl respects you more cause you maintained your dignity after the break up.

yeah my ex is quite the looker as well (not so much the model type,more the athletic type)thats what kills me also,her being hit on by men and ending up with some guy better than me,that totally annihilates my self worth.

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