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No woman will ever love me, or even notice me...READ THIS!!!

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Somehow, I managed to go my first two years in college and still not find a girlfriend. I had plenty of dates, but none of them ever materialized into something more (It also seems like 99% of all college girls are already taken). That used to bother me, but I realized one of two things. Either Ms. Right simply hasn't entered my life yet and I need to just wait for the right time to find her, or I'm simply destined to be alone forever (not counting my friends, of course. I have tons of great friends both guys and girls) I might find a great girl this next semester at school, or I might not. If things continue the way they have, then I probably will be single another year. But the way I look at it...who cares! Its ok to be single, at least I don't have that ol' ball and chain weighing me down! I can at least take the time to that would be spent with a woman and focus it on things like my hobbies and interests. Heck, my golf game is getting better each day with the time I've been able to put on the links.

I know its easy to get depressed about being single (and a virgin), but there's no sense in it. I still get down about it every now and then, but life could be alot worse. It's best not to think about the opposite sex much and just let life do with you whatever it may. I've read about guys getting into deep slumps and even cutting themselves, and I can see where they are coming from. But take it from me guys, its not worth it! I'm 20, and know that I'm too young to be going grey or loosing hair over some woman. To all you single fellas out there...go out and enjoy life...don't let all those happy little couples out there get you depressed. I'll bet all those guys who are attached to their women can't go golfing or fishing whenever they want!

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First you might want to see a psychiatrist. It couldn't hurt and help you open up. Remember woman see (at least the ones worth having) the whole man. The old saying is just do it. worst case scenario a girl you talk to or approach is a bitch and behaves badly. So what, move one.

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Good point.

If your chatting with a girl, your acting decent,honest and the bitch still dosnt like u then move on.

Dont sweat

Also,its true about concentrating on more important youthfull things...

Such as,I can play guitar much better now and improving,all dew to the fact i had maad time on my hands....

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Ha, makes me laugh when u say, about getting good at the guitar and making/ releasing records etc.

I have been deeply into underground dance music of many styles for the the past 10 years or so. I spent most of my weekends during my youth traveling about buying rare records (ie detroit techno, house, us garage, ambient, prog etc) The reason i got into this in the first place was probably because i had so much spare time on my hands and although i love my records (all 5,000 odd) i realise looking back that the reason i got into this so deeply is probably because i didnt have any girlfriend to go out with instead. I wasnt hiding behind my music, djing etc but literally had nothing else to do at weekends apart from buy records (during the day). I still buy records now although now i can buy on internet so dont go record shopping that much anymore. (anyway good music is becoming rarer becuse all the commercial shit is too strong and people like shit.) I don't know why? maybe they have been brainwashed and like what there told they must like?

I must have spent thousands & thousands on records over the years and although they have given me great satisfaction they have not got me a girlfriend. If the right girl came along (and i mean the right girl) this would be more rare than finding the rarest record i own so i would willingly sacrafice my whole collection for the right girl. Who knows maybe if i had spent my money on top brand clothes, a designer haircut, and a flash car instead of records i might have got a girlfriend.

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Cool,You dj-ayed,played other peoples records and collected records.

Not been a dick or anything,but ive been playing drums since i was 10,guitar since i was 12 and bass guitar came after that,I know produce rock,rap and neo-soul.

Music for me isnt something i do because iam bored and depressed.I do it because i love it,its my life.You may have played other peoples records,but did you ever release a record and get it played on some radio stations?Did you ever work with other recording artis i.e rappers,guitarists,singers,dummers?

What you did in your life and with your dj-ing,throuth thoe 10 years bares no close example on me.If a right girl came along,she would have to exepct me for ME!And she would certinly have too accept my dedication with music.Chances are,she would probably be impressed with what ive done so far,and the fact that i actualy do it,and not just talk it.

You may have been lonly,and took to dj-ing,collecting records etc because of bordem,un-happyness,but for me its not like that.Of course been single has gave me more time to practise and learn,i actualy consider that as a blessing.Most of my friends are in boring relationships,either settled down,or just dam right bored(burn outs).

I love what i do,and i garuntee,doing what i do and been happy about what i do will one day rub of on the right girl!!

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If you would have loved music so much,you would have taken up learning an instrument or producing,in a serious way.But you never did,so you liked to play other peoples records,it helped make you happy,cure your lonlyness,but i wouldnt class that as a dedicated musician.Djs are Djs,they play records and mix,but learning a couple of instruments and making records solid is a whole different game.You do it because you love it.

For me,part of the reason i have no bitch is probably because i am so wrapped up in it,but *** it.......iam only young!

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First of all i apologise if i came accross as suggesting you were the same as me, this was not my intention. Listening to what you saying, you seem to have grown up with music rather than getting into it. You also like rock/indie band style music where as i like electronic music/djing style. But as u probably know along the lines the two syles traditional and technology crossover into each other, so u cant say that one is superior to the other. Both learning instruments and learning to use technology are both as demanding mentally, financially, and creatively as each other.

The point i was really trying to put accross is that getting into music deeper and deeper will not necessarily get you a girlfriend. The more you get into the music the more detached and wrapped up in your own world u become. Yes, it's bloody good fun i agree and dont think for a minute that i am trying to discourage u (especially if your going places) but you can also make the mistake of doing it to the point of obssesion and this is where the danger lies. At the end of the day records are just pieces of round plastic with sounds on them. People are REAL and should always come FIRST. After all it is PEOPLE who make the music. I know what your saying about a girlfriend accepting you for who you are and for your love of music and probably you will get one who does. but the minute you put music before her will be the day u lose her. Music will give you pleasure but it won't keep you warm in bed at night.

Anyway you are younger than me and enjoying yourself so carry on doing the music dude. I'm trying my hardest to overcome the mental and financial difficulties in learning to make music and become a credible musician in a technological sense. I have realised that i need to do this to

get any respect and recognition for the music i like playing.

I understand how difficult it is as i have to do it on my own (where as u prob got other band members). As i am 29 there is also the pressure that i should be out there meeting girls and it's a constant battle between the 2.

Anyway you sound like your doing well so keep up the good work and good luck on the girlfriend front.

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Hey Anon2,Point taken.I certinly understand what your saying. I just dont respect girls no more,and if that means iam desdind for a life of lonlyness,then so be it.

I dont care,love,respect or want them anymore.To me there scum.So iam gonna do what ever i can to do something with this music stuff.

And if i fail,then at least i will have tried.Iam 21 and tired of been ignored,rejected and respecting girls who dont respect me.You keep doing ya thing with your dj-ing(Iam really surprised dj-ing hasnt found you a girl,chics in the u.k love djs)I produce a lot of rap,so yea,i know how hard and time consuming the technological side is.Dope mcs dont exept any beat!But for now,girls take a back seat.If i might a girl though playing,making music then cool,but if i dont then i wont sweat it.They really aint good enough,or worth the time and un-happyness they make me feel!If i do become ,if you like unware of my self becoming obsessed then fair play,my fault.But i would rather do this,than chase some 2-bit tart who aint worth shit.Keep ya head bro!!

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Good on ya, I like your style and no bullshit attitude towards the situation.


Although i dj occasionally the music i like and buy is not commercial enough for most people and they are not able to understand it. The music scene is full of commercial shite thereforeeeeee i dont get many opportunities to play out. I could buy and play the commercial tunes and would prob meet shit loads of tarts. But this wouldn't be me. I have always stuck to the music i like and thats one thing i'll continue to do. The best thing i can do is concentrate on the production side.


Anyway im going to keep to my new(ROBOT BRAIN) routine of going out drinking on a sat (ah thats tonight) and then doing serious shit during the week. Just gonna try that routine for a few weeks see how it goes. If i dont meet/speak to any girls then i'll just go back to (FREESTYLE BRAIN) mode where i just do what the *** i want.


Bet your thinking what the *** he's lost it.


I haven't and never have really. keep ya head !!!!!

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Well it's good to see I'm not alone!


Sorry I haven't read all nine pages of this topic - I don't have the time.


I'm also pretty useless with women. In my 21 years I've played tongues with one girl (and she was with the DJ of the nightclub we were in). I fail to attract women in general (mind you look at me in the avatar - ugliest man alive ain't I!!).


Women never look at me. They never show any interest, never talk to me etc. I can't be bothered anymore. I refuse to even try anymore. I'm turning my efforts to something else now: Making money.


When I got a few million £'s behind me the women will no doubt come flooding in my direction - Then lets see who has the last laugh cos it'll be me. I've never wanted to upset a woman before but now with each passing day I'm becoming more and more bitter towards them all.


Can't help it - it's a kind of frustration. I've got mates that I always thought were uglier than me, yet they get one woman after another coming up to them. Me? - None.

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Turboz,You sound just like me!


"I've never wanted to upset a woman before but now with each passing day I'm becoming more and more bitter towards them all."


Now that is me to a T!


Women are quite(Espicialy when young) shallow,nieve(Bad spelling) and dumb.



The key to it all is to show interest in them.Talk to them,just simply go up to a girl you fancy and start chatting to her.Its the only way you can go.

Becoming more bitter,upset and hate filled is eventualy gonna drive you mad,like me.


Dont let girls think your unhappy or depressed.Dont let them think your unhappy and sad because you have no g/f,dont let those bitches theink they have one.Your only 21,LIVE your life and do what ever you want to do,they really are not worth all the hassle,pain and unhappyness there casuing you.Women are a fickle race,the modern day world seems to have turned women into shallow,vein,shit talking little bitches,so embrace it!

Talk to them,make em laugh and be honest,dont come accross as cheesy.

If she dosnt like you then move on to the next,is that silly little bitches loss,thats what you gotta think.

remember,we men are better,more inteligent and open minded than those silly warped ***s.Peace

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bravo music !! i agree totally. However,women are just as tormented a species as we are. Their problem, is that they direct their frustration at men in general..while we try to find a girl that will make us happy,a whole lot of women decide that being rude and disrespectful to males is a way of strengthening themselves and their egos. But guys, as hard as it is to believe,their are a few ( emphasise FEW ) sweet girls out there...AND ALL YOU NEED IS ONE SWEET ONE. GOOD LUCK 8)

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