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sudden change of heart?

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I met this girl, we liked each other but she turned me down. After that we were kind of friends, but i still liked her. I told her i like her and she made it very clear on many occasions that we can't date. After a huge argument about this (long story) i thought it was over so i gave up. Then right after, I got e-mails and messages from her saying she wants to know how things are between us. She was basically being VERY strange, considering she didn't want to date me. I wrote her an e-mail saying I want to be friends. After that she wrote to me saying things that imply she likes me. She said she'll call me, she'll have more time for things, she hopes to hear from me soon... These things are weird to hear because we were never really "close." We fought a lot and weren't on that level. She's just being unusually nice.


My question is, does it seem like she wants to go out with me all of a sudden? My first impression is yes she does. If you need more info i'll be happy to post it.

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Why is it that I constantly see women (no offense) being the ones who change moods all of the sudden and drive guys into mass confusion and sometimes depression? But in context to the post. Sounds like something was keeping her from dating you, maybe you should ask her exactly why she wouldn't date you earlier. This might clear up a few things for you and help you determine if the liking is genuine or are you being played.

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