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Moving out West


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Well i am ready to move....i wanna go to the west coast, maybe north cali or Oregon, gonna happen within the next two months....no job set up, no place to live....planning on doing all of this on a whim......not opposed to sleep in car till i get a place.

Anyone done this before?

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I need a beach/tropical area that's not super developed, but not 3rd world. I've got some homework to do in the next few months about what I want to focus on career wise. I've always been interested in working where people vacation. I'm tired of the stresses and raw winter weather of the Northeast.

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Give me 4 years to get out of college and I'm totally down. Grew up on the West Coast, and I can say that, in all ways, I prefer over any other geographic region of the US. Best weather, great cities, most beautiful part of the US, best oceans, more laid back, etc.


I wish you luck man, hopefully I'll be out there too in due course.

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