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im in love with my bestfriend

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im a bi 19 yr old... in january I told pretty much everyone except my family about me... my best friend is a guy and i'm pretty sure i'm in love with him. He was one of the first people i told and ever since then we just got closer. i dont know what to do... it's getting to the point where i can't sleep and i'm constantly thinking about him...we're always together... all of our friends think he's bi and are convinced he has feelings for me too. even his ex girlfriend who were are still friends with texted him asking if he was bi one night when he was with me. i dont really know what im asking for with this thread but i kind of just needed to vent. i told him after that he got that text that maybe we should stop hanging out so much because we have both had people ask us if we are together and he said he had a feeling that people thought that and he agreed that we should. it's been a week since then and he still talks to me and we still hangout like nothing...its just really getting to me...do i tell him i have feelings for him?

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being straight, my impression is he probably is in the same boat as you.


and if he isn't, i doubt he's so ignorant that he doesn't have an inkling that you like him.


i would just summon as much courage as you can and ask him if he has feelings for you.


i don't think things would be shattered if he says no. best of luck.

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On the other hand he is your best friend you are close and you have a really good relationship, he has a girlfriend so if he is bi or not do you really want to put the ball in his court to make him chose to end his relationship and be with you or stay in his relationship and things get a bit awkward.


I personaly wouldnt say anything to somone if I had feelings for them if they were with somone else as I wouldnt want to put them in that position, if they wanted to end the relationship on their own terms to be with you thats diffrent. But maybe thats why Im still single.

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On the other hand he is your best friend you are close and you have a really good relationship, he has a girlfriend so if he is bi or not do you really want to put the ball in his court to make him chose to end his relationship and be with you or stay in his relationship and things get a bit awkward.


I personaly wouldnt say anything to somone if I had feelings for them if they were with somone else as I wouldnt want to put them in that position, if they wanted to end the relationship on their own terms to be with you thats diffrent. But maybe thats why Im still single.


nono he doesnt have a girlfriend hasn't had one since her 2 years ago. and hasnt been with anyone ever since ive told him i was bi... there was one girl he worked with who wanted to be " * * * * buddies" with him but he blew her off every time to hang out with me instead...


(awkward story time but kind of necessary)

We all went camping on may long weekend a month ago with a bunch of friends and we shared a tent and when it was just us two in the tent and we were drunk he told me things like how he was hard and horny (sharing a pillow nonetheless) but wasn't even trying to hook up with any of the girls there and was just with me the whole time... like is it just me or is that not something you say to your bi best friend unless there's something going on there...

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  • 1 month later...

I'm going through a similar thing, except in my case we are both girls.


Im not sure if u said whether this guy was straight/bi or gay but if u have then sorry.


I asked my friend if she liked girls and she said yes then kept on changing her mind and saying she was straight, but yet kissed me


I know this doesnt really answer your question but just thought i would let you know that im going through a similar thing



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