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A question towards the ladies...

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I have a question to the ladies - Which is your preference?


Two fingers rubbing the clitoris, or

One/Two/However many fingers inside the vagina?



I'm asking this because my girlfriend says me rubbing her clitoris hurts her, and she absolutley loves deep penetration. Is this odd?

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I think all women are different. What necessarily feels good to one woman may not feel good to another woman. Some women are even incapable of reaching orgasm. She may just have an overly sensitive clitoris.


I say do whatever is enjoyable to her.

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Women are very specific about what feels good. For some women you have to use a circular movement or some rubbing thighs or a little to the left then a little to the right...etc etc


A good technique to work out what your girlfriend likes is to watch her masturbate. That way she can show you.


If she says it hurts when you touch her clit it could be because there is not enough lubrication or because she doesnt like it touched directly. If she likes indirect contact you can rub through the labia which indirectly touches it or just touch it very lightly with feathery movements.

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Think of it like you are a "dog" licking something that it really likes to lick, then with your lips, move the clit only slightly to see how she likes that.


Make some glowling noises like you are a bear at a pot of honey.


Kneel next to her so that your almost ready for 69 and see how she likes that angle of attraction.

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