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How does this make sense?


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I work with this girl Nena. We sat by each other one day and had a nice conversation. This was the 1st time I actually talked with her. I have seen her around work but just ended up sitting by her one day. I thought we were cool and that I possibly made a new friend. I asked her if she had a Facebook or Myspace and she told me a Myspace and I told her I'd look for her on there and add her. She said ok. I found her and requested her as a friend. She never accepted so I took it personally a little bit. When I saw her again at work I asked her if she got my request and she said yes, but her computer was broken or had a virus or something so I said ok cool just add me when you get a chance. After a couple weeks I asked her again and she goes you know I don't want to be mean but I just ain't looking for friendship with people at the work place, your a cool person and I just joked oh no you hate me and she chuckeled and said no I don't; I have had just bad experiences with people here. So I was like ok cool if you dont want to add me on myspace thats fine however just because you have had bad experiences here doesn't mean I'm like these other people....so whatever...yet just the other day a mutual friend of ours told me that Nena, him and his gf were all hanging out and mind you our mutual friend's girlfriend USED to be friends with Nena and they had a falling out and didn't talk for a while and now all of a sudden there friends again and hanging out To me it doesn't make sense because she just told me she doesn't want to be friends with anyone at the work place and yet we all work together. Its tempted to write her on myspace and ask her how the heck that makes sense?? I don't know if I should or just let it go?? I don't understand how you can tell me that and then do the exact opposite of what you said. I'm not sure if it was just a soft blow cause she truly didn't want to be friends with me or she truly doesn't want to be friends with someone at work. When we talked we seemed to agree on lots of things and have things in common so I don't see why she wouldn't want to be friends. Just werid to me.

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She might not check her facebook friends list all the time so probably she forgot about it, but then you bringing it up again kind of made you seem a bit desperate. Usually, like any friendship, you just naturally let it happen. Some of my friends rarely rarely check their friend requests and just add them in a lump like 3 months later, so she might be one of those. She does sound like she's giving you excuses. Up to you but don't press friendship too much, it's a natural process that shouldn't be hurried or asked about. If you feel she isn't treating you like you think you should be treated, then don't bother overthinking about her and find a more compatible friend. Just because someone's nice doesn't mean you two will go well together.

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True, thanks guys. Yeah I think I am just going to let it go. Then again if she wants a friendship with me, she can come to me then. I just thought that the day we talked we had a lot in common and thought maybe I made a new friend but whatever it is what it is. Thanks again!

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