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it just came back to me or seomthing im depressed again. ive been hangin with my buddies and stuff having a blast but for some reason it jsut came back. but i cant get back with her after all thats happened. i just cant and i shouldnt. dl the song whiskey lullaby and thats what i feel like sometimes.

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exactly. You can't get back with her, for whatever the reaons are - I know I am a stranger, but you said it yourself best. And often, we are the best judges of our our relationships/circumstances.


As for getting sort of random depression, I think we all go through that. At least, I know I do, alot of times. I just kinda kicks in for a second, for no reason. But, you CAN'T let it get you down, and you can't let it make you reconsider your situation with any ex's you have. Don't let it beat you. Stay strong!

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Hey bro.. I go through that too.. As much as I try to work on myself, read books, bust my ass at the gym, and do good at my job. My past haunts me. Its a constant reminder.. and it sucks. Some days I feel good, others I feel bad. I wish it would all just go away.. but this website seems to help out a great deal.. great place to vent.


I have also noticed by keeping a daily journal that different days of the week it seems to bother me more than others. My worst day is Sunday for some reason. Best day is Friday.. weekend its' ok. Come sunday its the worst.


I suggest you keep a journal of how your feeling each day. As each day passes it turns into weeks.. as weeks pass it turns into months. Its almos two months for me.. and If I read back to the first and second weeks.. I defenitely have made an improvement... so thats a reason for me to keep going and going and going.


Try it.. what else have you got to lose?

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