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Just A Creature of Habit

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I love my boyfriend of 7 months....I think. I dont know if I still truly love him or if Im just in the habit of loving him. I dont know. Im so confsued I dont even know what I want! I feel bored with our relationship. I just want it to be like it was the first couple of months that we dated. Exploring each other was so much fun but know we are like an old lmarried couple---PREDICTABLE. Ive tried switching things up but, no luck. I dont know if thyere is anything I can do or if I should end it. ANd if I do end it, shuould it be a clean break or take a break?!?! How Do I expect yall to help me if I dont know what I want myself. Im so scared of hurting this guy. I love him(I think....I definitely care about him more than anyone) and he is not only my boyfriend but my best friend as well. we spend ALL the time together. I think Im scared of what may happen when we break up. please please help me!

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No offense but why do girls always do this? Why do they always question or get confused with good relationships? maybe you two are spending too much time together...don't split or take a break, just try not to always be together, give each other some room and see what happens...

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No offense but why do girls always do this? Why do they always question or get confused with good relationships? maybe you two are spending too much time together...don't split or take a break, just try not to always be together, give each other some room and see what happens...


It is NOT just girls that do this (many of the girls on here have had men leave for very very similar reasons) and they DON't ALWAYS do it either (I sure don't)!!!

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You sound younger than myself, but take it from someone whose ex wanted a break, if you want to spare this guy some serious heartache talk to him about what your feeling, tell him you are getting bored. Don't let it build up to the point that you just wake up one day and decide to drop a bomb on him. No one deserves that.

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I know it's not just girls raykay (frustration from me over my break up )


I think you should tell him your bored of it, but just because it gets boring doesn't mean it can't be like it was before...take some space (which will right away make it less boring when you two are together) and try to find exciting things to do together...make it fun, relationships are work...if he's not willing to try then don't bother, but if he cares he'll try...I just don't think a break or breaking up is the answer just yet...

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so are you suggesting a break... or just strategically finding ways to spend less time together? He lives about 30 minutes away and comesw to town everyday and he has astarted to depend on when he isnt working or at school to come over to my house so we are always together and just taking a break or spending less time together sounds easier said than done.

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It is a tough thing, but it is not a break...don't use that word with him...

just be honest and say that you think the best thing for the relationship is to see a little less of each other...stress to him that it is not a break just space so you two can be better together...


Good luck and God bless!

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well this is something i do not get, how can you not be sure if you love someone or not. you either do or don't. beginnings are always the best, because you are new to each other, with time things slow down. the best thing you can do is to talk to him. caveat is right do not let this build up, that is the worst thing you can do. it happened to me, my ex droped the bomb on me after i cooked a romantic dinner for us. just imagine hoe i felt.



good luck

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well, I told him before dinner that afterwards I was just going to go home. and he thought something was the matter so i just told him that for the good of our relationship that I think we should have some more alone time. I told him that I was getting bored with our predictability. not bored with HIM just with our relationship. (thats the jist of it)He said that he understood and he felt the same way but Im not so sure that he does. He acted like a kicked dog the rest of the night, skittish and hurt.

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