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i love her but i wish she'd open up and show her shy'er side

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Hi guys,


I have a problem, there's this girl that i really like were good friends, but there has been a bit of a distance when i confessed that i like her and she played head games. But now were back to normal again, the only difference is she's acting alot more stranger than when we were friends before. I really unsure what to do, i really love this girl and im sure that she has some sort of feelings for me. The reason being that we've been far more friendlier as of lately and were talking alot more. As summer vacation is nearing im only going too see her 3 more times at college before we break up from college. I have already broken up (officially) but im on work experience but with permission to come to college to finish some assignments and an excuse to see her. As i was saying with summer vacation coming near im not going too see her then for 2-3 months and in that time she might find someone else. She is an attractive girl so i decided to buy her a gem braclet as a gift for breaking up for summer also it was meant to be something to remind her that i have feelings for her, also it might sound kind of pathetic but i bought it so it's like there at least a part of me with her over the hols and always. Anyway it's just that with her being acting rather odd over the last week or so, whether it was a sign that she's starting too like me or not i don't know. I've always felt a physical attraction between us but with her personality being so happy and confident i don't think that it shows. I believe that she hides alot of shyness and pain that sort of things behind her confidence. I really want to open her up, but i don't know how 2 i feel that she want's too but she's scared of what might happen if she does. I seem to pick the most complicated and unusual girls but i suppose im like that as well, because im quite supprised how much alike we are but because she hides it, it doesn't show.


She confuses me everytime i talk with her im happy but when she leaves it's almost as if it's a wave of disappointment, is this normal?


I mean when i get home all i can think about is her, i know it sounds pathetic but i really love this girl. I have thought about asking her if she want's to meet up over summer vacation. We did arrange to do this over easter but nothing happened, so im going to ask her if she fancies doing something and if not then for her too say on the day that i ask her which is before we break up for hols.


Can someone please provide any help or any comments, anything would be apprecaited.


Thanks ,


- whitefang


p.s. appologies that the post is a little long .

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ok. uhm first of all good job on the bracelet good idea. well if things are back to normal with you too ask her why she's acting strange maybe she'll give you something to work with. BTW do you mean get her to show a sensitive side because showing her shyer side doesnt really make sense to me the disappoint ment thing yeah its normal. dont worry about that why dont you ask for her number see if you guys can hang out sometime as friends to give you a chance to get a better idea of what she is feeling. oh about being worried she'll find someone else i know that feeling thats why you have to spend time together over vacation if possible if not you should atleast call each other. uhm i hope i helped


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yeah, I'd suggest you contact her & get together to do something while you're on campus. When you talk more (perhaps about deeper things to allow her to open up more) you'll get a glimpse of her sensitive side more. Also be a good listener & ask questions, so she feels that you're interested in her & want to know more about the true her, not just the confident cover-up. Also realize that it's harder for some people to open up more than others. I feel like I could relate a lot to the girl you're describing as I do the same thing; I think it's because it takes me a while to really trust people & show them the real me. Do something together that will allow you guys to have a chance to talk (i.e. not something so passive as watching a movie), maybe visit her dorm room & you guys can take a walk somewhere.


HTH, and good luck! I'm really rooting for you =) I think it's really nice that you're still interested in her after this time & even after she's been acting strangely, that you can perceive that she's putting on some sort of facade & appreciate her depth of character. There's not a lot of guys like that, I know from experience. Good for you..I really hope things work out

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I am thinking about asking her out over summer vacation for day to do something together. But last time i did this i didn't get very much of a response, i mean she agreed and i sent her a txt but she didn't reply. So im going to ask her again if she wants to do something over the hols and get a straight answer from her and ask her if she could let ME know when she fancies doing something. She's finishing the same course as me this year and is doing a higher education course (in the same subject) so she's still going to be around campus but her friends aren't going to be there, because they would of gone to other univeristies. So i think that having some of her friends that were in college out of the way might lighten the load off her and make her open more. But as i said i don't know what im going to do if she finds someone new over the hols, if she does it's just going to destroy me. When she turned me down last time it took 3 weeks for me to get back to normal and then we weren't speeking to each other for at least a month. It's only been the last couple of weeks that we've become closer. I really care for her, i've met her younger brother and sister and i've also met her mother and father (not properly introduced to the father, but their separated) which could be the cause of why she puts on this facade but i could be wrong. As i said i love her alot her personality, looks and her quirks , she means alot too me but i can't really tell her that because it would make me feel uncomfortable. When i did ask her out that once, it spread around college like a wild fire, that might of been the cause of some of our distance of each other as well. Sorry for this im fliting between things here but im writing what im thinking. I think that the braclet was a good idea because she had told one of my closest friends at college (another girl) that she quite suppriesed that i got her something so i mean it's gotta count for something i guess.


It's just going to be hard not seeing her over the hols, but im going to try to see her at least once (if something doesn't come up).


Thanks for the advice much appreciate the input ,


- whitefang

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