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Ex sort of came back, now don't know what to think!!!!!!

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Wow! I just read the entire post, and your story is quite amazing. The one point you made about seeing yourself as other do, really hit home. I know that the last two months of our 2 year relationship, I was wearing the "victim" image, because his daughter was giving me such a hard time and I didn't feel it was my place to say anything, and felt he should do something about it. As well, having been in a serious car accident (fortunately walked away unhurt), I felt that I was somehow being targeted by misfortune. And I know I was sad and unhappy with the situation, and felt like I was helpless and that there was nothing I cuold do.


In my case, it is going to be a while before we are in a position to reconcile, while he works out the issues with his daughter and his own grief around his wife's death (3 months before we met), so in the meantime, I am going to shake that "victim" thing and go back to the strong, independent and happy-go-lucky person he fell in love with.


What a great story. Thanks for sharing,

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You have such a healthy outlook on things right now...


I was hoping things would work this way for you (that YOU get to choose whether the relationship is worth it) and it appears that they have.


Keep a healthy perspective.... let things happen, be tolerant in the short term, but decisive in the long term and you will continue to be fine.


All the best,



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Hey Left,


Long time no speak. I see S&D beat me to the punch. But I want to echo his thoughts. Glad to hear things are progressing...I think we all saw the ingredients for a reconciliations...good for you. Remember - you have the power/control here. You have grown so much during this time and you deserve someone is going to meet you in the middle, someone that is going to see the importance of your relationship and do what it takes (on their part) to make things right. I think your bf has come along way, so give him credit for that - and dont take it for granted. However, if he is still not meeting your needs, you need to keep communicating with him until he gets it and he RESPONDS. Do not settle until you both are getting your needs met in the relationship.


Keep up the good work!



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