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Dating someone with hpv?


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Honestly, that sounds more like a personal issue with trust and abandonment than anything having to do with HPV. Would you feel the same way (like no man could ever make you feel safe that he won't leave you) if you did NOT have HPV? Constant fear of abandonment will not serve you well in any relationship.



That is a good question. Yes, I think so. You see, I am someone who is really gullible and as a result, often get taken advantage of, cuz I trust people (girls and guys) too easily. I tend to believe what other people say without questioning them and whether or not they are really telling me that truth. So more often than not, when I am in a relationship, I think this guy is in a relationship to take advantage of me and then he will kick me to the curb after.

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Hey there. well. I have hpv too, cept mine is one of the strains that cause cancer. And as far as I know, it is a virus. Which means it can' t be cured. There are many strains and the two basic are cancer causing and actual warts. The warts can be removed/made to go away but the fact that it is a virus means you will always have it and even though your body may have built immunity to it, you are just going to be a carrier and can transmit it to others. Unfortunately, the diesease is incredibly common so as people have previously stated, there's a good chance he's already got it. Here's some more info for you. Good luck and I think its great that you are honest about it.


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4273611]Hey there. well. I have hpv too, cept mine is one of the strains that cause cancer. And as far as I know, it is a virus. Which means it can' t be cured. There are many strains and the two basic are cancer causing and actual warts. The warts can be removed/made to go away but the fact that it is a virus means you will always have it and even though your body may have built immunity to it, you are just going to be a carrier and can transmit it to others. Unfortunately, the diesease is incredibly common so as people have previously stated, there's a good chance he's already got it. Here's some more info for you. Good luck and I think its great that you are honest about it.


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I am so confused.....All I know now is that my body has fought off the virus, what does that mean? What does "my body having built immunity to it" mean? How do I know what type of HPV do I have? I have so many questions. I know that my body has fought HPV off, can my doctor still found it whether I have high or low risk HPV? How do I know what strain I have now that my body has built immunity to it and has fought it off? Is there someone I can call or someone I can email to ask about this? I don't really feel comfortable/feel like I'm ready to talk about this with my doctor quite yet. I think I'm too honest at times I just ruined something precious to both me and that guy I mentioned in my original post. Thanks for being there for me, you've been a great help to me. The best of luck to you too and I hope we continue to stay in touch with each other Are you currently dating? If so, how is your boyfriend taking to the news that you have HPV?

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How do you know you got HPV in the first place?


If it was because you found some warts then you have low risk. This has nothing to do with developing cervical cancer. 90% of people clear this within 2 years which means after 2 years of no warts it is highly unlikely you will get a reoccurance.

If it's high risk you won't have any symptoms but it could lead to you getting cervical cancer in about 10-20 years time if you never get any smear tests to monitor it. This is still highly unlikely because the high risk hpv virus is also cleared by 90% of people. So it is only about 10% who are unlucky enough for the virus to persist and are at risk of developing cervical cancer if they don't get regular smears. If the virus persists they may get an abnormal smear which is easily treatable.

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What does your first reaction after she told you that? How long did it take for her to tell you something like that? How long did your relationship with her last? Did any amount of reassurance from you calm her nerves down and helped her to believe that you love her and won't leave her at that point in time? Thanks for answering for my question, it serves as encouragement for me. You have no idea how much it helped me.


My first reaction was "What's that?"


She said she knew about it all along but was scared to tell me and that she felt like a sl*t and that it supposedly is linked to cancer in males or something like that. I laughed and reminded her that I lost 3 close family members to cancer in 10 years and two more before that time, so odds are I'm gonna die from it anyway someday. I basically shrugged it off. She was fine by the end of the day. Our relationship lasted for 15 months. I left because she had a lot of issues, none HPV related


Oddly enough, now that I think about it, and I totally forgot about this until now...weeks after all that, she had doubts about me because cancer ran in my family. It made her uncomfortable thinking of having a family with a man who could die and leave her a widow and her kids without a father. And this was over something I didn't even HAVE. Kinda hypocritical, methinks.

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Hey there. well. I have hpv too, cept mine is one of the strains that cause cancer. And as far as I know, it is a virus. Which means it can' t be cured. There are many strains and the two basic are cancer causing and actual warts. The warts can be removed/made to go away but the fact that it is a virus means you will always have it and even though your body may have built immunity to it, you are just going to be a carrier and can transmit it to others. Unfortunately, the diesease is incredibly common so as people have previously stated, there's a good chance he's already got it. Here's some more info for you. Good luck and I think its great that you are honest about it.


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How long have you been living with HPV? How are you dealing with it?

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How do you know you got HPV in the first place?


If it was because you found some warts then you have low risk. This has nothing to do with developing cervical cancer. 90% of people clear this within 2 years which means after 2 years of no warts it is highly unlikely you will get a reoccurance.

If it's high risk you won't have any symptoms but it could lead to you getting cervical cancer in about 10-20 years time if you never get any smear tests to monitor it. This is still highly unlikely because the high risk hpv virus is also cleared by 90% of people. So it is only about 10% who are unlucky enough for the virus to persist and are at risk of developing cervical cancer if they don't get regular smears. If the virus persists they may get an abnormal smear which is easily treatable.



I found out that I got HPV when I got an abnormal pap smear, after that my gynecologist called me in for a colposcopy and told me that the HPV virus was found in my body. Then I was told my body fought off the virus and still to this day I am confused to what is going on with this whole HPV virus thing. The more I look it up the more scarier everything gets, but I also know the more knowledgeable I am about it, the more it will benefit me in the future. I am so scared right now.

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Yeah, I think so too. I think that it is rare to find a guy who would accept you for who you are even especially when you have something like HPV. When two people are in love they are supposed to be there for each other through sickness and in health. Yes, you might have a family history cancer, but you might not even have it. There is always a possibility that you might leave her a widow and her kids without a father even if you do not develop cancer anywayz. I think she should have shrugged it off just like you did, cuz there is a possibility that she could develop cancer too (if she has high risk HPV).

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Abnormal smears are common - and everyone who pretty much gets them gets them because they have HPV. majority probably don't know that. It can only develop into cancer after MANY years if you don't get smear tests. But you do, so you have nothing to worry about, it will never get to that stage. And as for guys - this pretty much doesn't affect them. Very rarely they can get cancer from this but it is virtually unheard of and there are probably other factors that contribute. I imagine many doctors would advise you to forget about it once you start getting regular normal smears and not worth telling guys about. Majority have it/won't be affected by it anyway.

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Abnormal smears are common - and everyone who pretty much gets them gets them because they have HPV. majority probably don't know that. It can only develop into cancer after MANY years if you don't get smear tests. But you do, so you have nothing to worry about, it will never get to that stage. And as for guys - this pretty much doesn't affect them. Very rarely they can get cancer from this but it is virtually unheard of and there are probably other factors that contribute. I imagine many doctors would advise you to forget about it once you start getting regular normal smears and not worth telling guys about. Majority have it/won't be affected by it anyway.



I understand and I know all that. But for me honesty and communication are really important in a relationship. So in that sense it is worth telling guys about whom I am interested in dating.

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I know HPV is considered an STD, but I don't think of it in the same way as I think of Herepes, Syphillis or Claimidia. Two of my girlfriends have it and it doesn't seem to hinder their dating life. Just use a condom and you should be okay.



Some men don't mind dating people with HPV while others do. And using a condom still does not guarantee that I will not pass it along to anyone else.

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Some men don't mind dating people with HPV while others do. And using a condom still does not guarantee that I will not pass it along to anyone else.


My guess is most men have no clue what HPV is or if they have it. 50% of sexually active adults will contract it sometime in their life.

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It is definitely a big issue and I probably would not date a woman with HPV. Men who do choose to date women infected with HPV should not give oral sex to those women. There is a link between mouth cancer and HPV. I don't know whether this is true, but I heard that famous film critic Roger Ebert used to frequent a lot of hookers in the 1980s before he got married. I actually heard that he gave oral sex to those prostitutes if you can believe that. As you may know, he had part of his mouth removed and can no longer talk because he developed mouth cancer. I don't know whether there was any link between HPV and his mouth cancer, but it is something to think about.

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It is definitely a big issue and I probably would not date a woman with HPV. Men who do choose to date women infected with HPV should not give oral sex with those women. There is a link between mouth cancer and HPV. I don't know whether this is true, but I heard that famous film critic Roger Ebert used to frequent a lot of hookers in the 1980s before he got married. As you may know, he had part of his mouth removed and can no longer talk because he developed mouth cancer. I don't know whether there was any link between HPV and his mouth cancer, but it is something to think about.



If you're sexually active, odds are you have it too. There's no test for men. There's always links for something. Someone said oral sex leads to throat cancer. Some say coffee is good for you, some say it's harmful. Don't believe everything you read.

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If you're sexually active, odds are you have it too. There's no test for men. There's always links for something. Someone said oral sex leads to throat cancer. Some say coffee is good for you, some say it's harmful. Don't believe everything you read.


True. There are studies linking oral cancer to HPV, however; they're pretty easily found through Googling.


There is so much misinformation and confusion out there about HPV. Since I have high-risk (OP, I might have missed this: what kind do you have?), so I have no warts or visible symptoms. I think I would definitely tell my partner about it before we became sexually active, but emphasize that it really isn't a big deal. I plan to use condoms religiously in any new relationship (didn't do that at all before, and look where it got me), and condoms are really the best you can to protect against the virus, anyway, so my HPV diagnosis doesn't really change anything in that respect.


In terms of the oral sex issue, it usually takes me a few months to become comfortable enough with a partner to engage in that sort of activity, and I'm hoping that my HPV will have cleared by then. If not.. I think it would really be up to my partner if he wanted to engage in that activity without any sort of protection, given the high chances that he is already a carrier of HPV, anyway.

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I have HPV.


Almost 80% of women will be exposed to the virus at some point in their lives. The immune system can suppress it to undetectable levels after a few years. It is not usually a very serious health concern for a man, but it is important that you keep up with paps to ensure that you stay healthy.


I was honest and told the last two men I was intimate about HPV and they were accepting and appreciated the honesty.


If a man turns you down or refuses to get involved with you romantically because of HPV, he is either ignorant about HPV (and thinks it is way worse than it is) or he is just using it as an convenient excuse. Because of the vast majority or women who have it, he should become abstinent if he is that scared of it.

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Ok this is ridiculous... you should calm down you really didn't have to tell him you had hpv seriously there's no test for men except a pap smear test for women to see if there's changes in the cervix...

HPV is a virus that reside in your skin tissus not in your blood, not in your secetions but in your skin tissus so you cannot tell if your partner is a potential carrier...It's not like you have HIV , hpv is not curable yes that's why people get all depresseed and stuff... but it's manageable it's not life threatning you don't have to pops pills for the rest of your life...


People who had visible warts they get them treated , once the warts are gone they won't likely come back it's like having chicken pox...many people had warts in their hand or feet and did the warts came back after being treated ??! same thing wc genital warts it's just unesthetic and harmless...we don't know if the virus is still contagious or active cause there's no test to tell......there could be invisible lesions but seriously we treat what we see, so that's why I think alot pple carring this virus without knowing...


For the cervix it is important to get pap smear test every year...that's it so stop making yourself miserable yes it's a virus that your body didn't fight off but it's treatable and maybe you will never deal with it after...If your friend is too scared well that's his problem he'll probably face this thing with someone else, if you have questions inbox me I'be been throught this i know what im talking about.

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