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well i have had acne for some time now. I have gottten rid of alot of it using Proactiv solution but i still have acne scars. I started fading the scars using a skin lightening lotion also made by proactive. It seems to be working great but I'm still a little conscious of my skin. Im kind of shy about any scaring that i may have left. So i was woundering, im going to buy a proactive makeup product that conceals and heals. That way I can hide any present blemishes and people will see nothing but clear skin. Anyways if a boy (im 16) wears makeup is it very noticible. Since my skin in about 80% clear will make up totaly change my face? I mean if i wear it will people notice a difference. I want to look good for next school year so i wanted to know if makeup is very noticible on men or boys. Im not planing on putting alot on since my skin is reletivly clear. Im only going to put the minimum amount needed to conceal any blemishes that really stick out. Will people be able to see that im wearing makeup or will it be unoticible. Does it matter how much u put on. I just dont want people to notice that I wear makeup. I would rather not have people make fun of me. I want an even toned look for my skin becasue the tone is a little off due to scarring. So any tips or opinions? I would appreciate any helpful input.

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I don't know any ways other than make-up to hide those scars / blemishes. I don't think anyone will care, unless you do a really bad job of it. Then they might notice, but if it doesn't look like you are wearing make-up, then no one will even think twice about it. Thats about all that I know on this subject, there is a guy at my school who uses make-up for the same reason, and the only reason I notice is because sometimes it smudged in the morning. Hope you find what you are looking for.

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Go to Walgreens or a CVS whichever one you have where u are or any drug store and look for Clearasil Tinted Acne Treatment Cream.. comes in a small tube and it's a brown colored cream that can treat the acne and it blends into your skin to hide the effects of blemishes or any acne..


This stuff would be better than wearing makeup if you ask me..

Hope this helps



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If he is using ProActiv though, using the Clearasil stuff could be overdose and not good in terms of reactions.


There are so many shades of regular makeup that you can find to match your skin tone better. Talk to the makeup counter person...they can show you how to appropriately blend it into your skin and what tone to purchase as well. Don't be shy about it, they are used to that sort of thing!


Get an oil free, hypoallergenic type, practice blending, and you'll be fine.

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While I do believe that in perhaps 15-20 years time it will be acceptable for men to war makeup, I feel it is not acceptable right now.


I would be choosing the lest obviousls makeup option - ie, the one that will never be noticed. You don't want to attract attention to yourself for wearing makeup in school. I did once, foundation, and lucky that a friend pulled me into the toilets and convinced me to take it off. I felt prett silly at that point, but not as silly as if some bully had spotted it and started to give me crap for it.


You are concerned about your appearance. Be sure that you try and test whatever product you get to make sure that you can be confident wearing it. You don't want to spawn a new issue.


Hope this helps you some,

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If i use the proactiv makeup i would only be using a bare MINIMUM. Becasue my scars arent that bad I would only use a small amount so enough to cover most of them and have normal looking skin but not enough that would make it SMUDGE or apear to others. I would make sure to use a small amount so people wouldn't really be able to tell that i have anything on at all. I could do that right. I can use just a little to even out my face just a bit? I dont have to use alot right. Just enough to cover most of the uneaven tone right?

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