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help me im really worried

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my friend(online friend) sent me a message yesterday, just one we usually send them for hours but she just sent one then signed off. im worried cause she was talking about her funeral and suicide and stuff she doesnt cut anywhere near as bad as i do but i have never seen her so upset ive been trying to contact her franticly all night via email messaging etc. im so worried i dont know what to do

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Hey there friend,


What you need right now is a cool head. I know this is a frantic time for you (I've been in your position with some of my friends) but we need to stay calm and rational.


Ok, so your friend - when she talks about suicide and her funeral:


Has she made a specific plan about how to kill herself?

Has she said goodbye to you or written you a note to say goodbye?

Is she giving anything away of hers?


If the answer to all of these is yes, well then I guess there is cause to worry. But if the answer is no, then it may not be so dangerous just yet.


I know this is very difficult online, and even more so when you are younger. But do you have her phone number? Can you call to check on her? Or how about asking one of her friends to check on her - is that possible?


Just trying to give you some ideas to put your mind at ease. But just stay calm, as difficult as that might be right now. Keep trying, do not give up on her.



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Well, I don't really have any good advice on this subject. If she were a friend from school or something you could call her up? Do you know her phone number? avman is absolutely right, they key thing is to have a cool head. I don't think she has or is going to kill herself. Maybe she just had to go somewhere? Just keep hoping and praying, and tomorrow if she doesn't send you a message, I might get a little worried. There are things you could do with IP addresses to find her location, but I barely know how to locate someone, and I am unable to get my dad to teach me. He calls it an invasion of personal privacy, if you know any of her friends, try telling them to find her, and email her. All I can say is Good Luck.

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ok she hasnt made any specific plans but she said she like to see people who treated her badly suddenly get all upset. im trying to stay calm no she doesnt live near me and i dont have a number.i swear ive already lost three friends to suicide im not losing another.i will never give up on her she stopped me from cutting when i really needed to.i guess all i can do is wait for her to respond.unless there are any other ways


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I would keep sending her emails a couple of times a day just to let her know you are still thinking about her. She may not feel like coming online and talking right now, but receiving the emails will let her know you care.


Maybe send her a nice e-card from one of the free online shops telling her some good things about herself and how much the friendship means to you.


So just keep the contact coming her way. Not overwhelming contact, but twice a day isn't too much. Its really the best you can do under the circumstances. And believe me she'll appreciate the fact that you care so much about her.



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stitches, oh god please don't worry no matter what. all these posts are killing me knowing what you've been going through because i haven't been able to be here to tell you what is going on. i promise i will never leave you. facing the world together, remember? this love is yours always.



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